James Tyler-Damn this traffic Jam ( I think that's what it's called. ) " Damn this traffic jam. How I hate to be late. Hurts my motor to go so slow. DAMN, this traffic jam. " Anyone stuck in rush hour traffic can relate to that one. Janis Joplin- Mercedes Benz
The one I loved back then---- Georgie (noshow) Jones I stopped off at the quick sack for some beer and cigarettes, Lord Mr. Ford I just wish that you could see what your simple horseless cariage has become... Seems your contributiuon to man, to say the least has got a little out of hand oh lord mr. ford what have you done..... Love by the dashboard lights --- meatloaf Oh and how about... It was the dark of the moon on the 6th of june with a kenworth pulliing logs, Cabover Pete with a refer on and a Jimmy haulin' hogs.....Mercy sakes alive looks like we got us a CONVOY...Lol Gimme 40 acres Daddy never was the Cadillac kind Greased lightning Little GTO, your really lookin fine, 3 dueces and a 4 speed and a three eighty nine...oughta hear her taching up now oughta hear her why yi yine, tach it up tach it up, blow it out GTO Nationwide ---ZZtop. Cruising down the road in my new cadillac got a fine foxy broad got 3 mo' in the back... oh this one was laready mentioned but I love Riding with Private Malone Classified---CW McCall... I was thumbing through the want ads int he shelby county tribune with this classified advertisement caught my eye. it said take immediate delivery on this 57 cheverolet half ton pickup truck will sell or swap for a hide-a-bed and 35 bucks cal 1-4-0 ring 2 and ask for Bob......LOL Classic stuff uneasy rider "88" (it was a second trip they took and ended up in a gay bar) Tell Laura I love her... East Bound and Down (smokey and the bandit theme) Teen Angel
Car wash? Drive my car-the beatles No particular place to go- chuck berry crown victoria custom 51-Jerry Lee Lewis Rapid Roy (the stock car boy)- Jim Croche Truck Drivin Man- Lynyrd Skynyrd Gas Money- The Turtles Magic Bus- The Who Truck Drivin song- Weird Al Yankovic. I know white and nerdy isn't a car song, but the video has an awesome 67 Impala just like my dads except his isn't a convertible and is a little crappier. It even used to be that color. I've gone through all 1,934 songs on my zune and put all the ones I found that weren't already taken up here.
Ah... you beat me to it... I didn't know it was Queen initially - not Freddy singing that one... I'm adding that tune to my next CD compilation of driving tunes... esp. since my girlfriend seems to despise my new Comet. I'll be playing that one when I'm alone in the car...
Man someone on this board needs to some how get all these great songs on a C.D. boxed set and put a Maverick or Comet on the cover..... hell i'd buy 2 or 3 copies...... but then again we all would be sued by the music industry.
Didn't read all the posts yet but... I have 2 car CD's and these are some tracks... besides a whole schwack of Led Zeppelin and AC/DC... some of my cruisin tunes... Big Log (Robert Plant) Rough Boy (ZZ Top) Radar Love (Golden Earring) Deja VooDoo (Kenny Wayne Shepherd) Action (Streetheart) Slow an Easy (White Snake) I Ain't Superstitious (Rod Stewart) Don't Fear the Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult) I Put a Spell on You (CCR... actually, a whole lotta CCR for that matter....)
I'm glad to see that a fellow Canadian has good taste in Rock'n Roll. How 'bout this one The Firm- Cadillac from 1986 (Jimmy Page/ Paul Rogers)