the items inside my car are worth more then most peoples cars..just too easy for someone to walk up and rip it off of the mounted surface ect. We currently have a shop being built in our yard..walls just got framed in today
I opened my hood one time with my wife standing there and she noticed the straightened coat hanger on the driver side clipped into the rubber hood bumper. "Yes that's my spare key" I told her . I've had problems with my locks and the keys not working sometimes. The coat hanger works every time
If you have the stock door locks with the mushroom head, coat hanger is too easy. You have to pull on the window frame gently to make a little room at the back. I changed to straight lock pulls for that reason. Way back, a girlfriend had a 70s Fireturd (I hated that POS).... and she locked the keys in it too many times to count. With those cars, you could take a hacksaw blade and aim it down the window glass, just next to the lock cylinder, and push down. Not only would it unlock the door, it would pop it open for you too. Really high security .... Had a blade wired up under the car after about the third episode of all that. If I was truly smart about it back then, I would have taught her how to do it herself. Always trying to be the hero ...
This reminds me of something I had forgotten about completely! With my first Maverick (a '74) back in 1982 I was so bad about locking the keys in the car that I finally got an extra set and drilled out the holes on the keys enough to get a combination lock through them. Locked the keys in the engine compartment so I could always reach them and just had to remember the combination.
Could also get a keyless popper unit, make the opener into a strap on watch style and just wear it. I wrote a app to open my door poppers, run it from my nano/watch. I did the following as I am a cheap BASTARD and don't want to pay $80 for ones people are selling now everywhere online. Got the nano for $20 bucks at pawn shop. Course you could just buy one of these kits. Open via door pad, smart phone, hidden button exc exc exc exc exc.