If you get the right ones they are! http://mmb.maverick.to/attachment.php?attachmentid=59879&d=1364339942 Even in daylight!
ive been running the 168's the brightest for a long time now now issues with heat. I also painted the back of the cluster a bright glossy alpine green/white.. really cool looking, the painting of the back a glossy white blue white, or whatever white-tinted gloss is really the key! Led's are so directional the dont disperse light the same...and they dont have the full spectrum of light to reflect the color paint you spray on.. the light color temp is too pure. that sounds weird ...ever try working at night with a led flashlight? i'm big into led's but this isnt the place for them, IMO
Mine looked great, even in daylight, wish I had a pic to show you, here's the bulbs I used ..... You can see them in action here......... To each his own, my led's were bright and gave off an even glow.
So no part number, huh? Can you tell me where you bought them? So far, I bought white ones and amber ones from SuperBrightLEDs.com. I'm ready to order green ones from them, but will be disappointed if they're not bright enough.
It's been a while, I got them from E-Bay, don't have a part number for them, there are 9 LED chips on the "bulb" they are bright.
Okay guys, I finally got the perfect LEDs for my cluster illumination. They are green. I got them from Super Bright LEDs. The part number is: WLED-GHP5. They were $5.95 each (total of 3). They look brilliant green, not too bright and not too dim. Just right. Man, 'wish I would have ordered these the first time, but I assumed that green wouldn't be bright enough. The cool white made the cluster look blue, which wasn't bad, but I want green. I thought the yellow ones would look green with the blue painted background. They didn't. 'Cost me over 60 bucks by the time I went through all the trial & error, but now I'm satisfied with it.
The "G" just stands for green. They are the same LEDs you are talking about. There are 5 LEDs per light (as opposed to 9 like yours have). They have a 360° pattern.
Ok gotcha! it's good to be able to see the cluster at night, I need to go back in and paint my needles orange again, kinda faded.