I'm not sure what you think I said.. but from the time this thread started.. I've been biased towards keeping what he already has machined and ready to go.. and going with small base cam/retro-rollers. This one is considerably more aggressive than your last cam and will pull it up to around 400 horses. http://www.compcams.com/Company/CC/cam-specs/Details.aspx?csid=897&sb=2 And there's the retro-fit spider assembly which enables the use of stock style roller lifters. Here and here. http://static.summitracing.com/global/images/instructions/cca-31-1000-1001.pdf http://www.compperformancegroupstor...Store_Code=CC&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=851-16
WELL, here we go, i have room for one more foot in my mouth anyway, take the motor you have, and pull it apart, find out what the damage is, consider cost for your budget, and re:build it, for the boy's first car, i dont think i would be looking at more than 300,hp, if not less,let him master that, then he can go more if need be, my two boys are eyeing up mine,,, no way, not until they prove to me they are skilled enough to handle it, one is even asking bout my f150, 485 hp, i dont think so tim, get her back on the road, and let him have some fun with it , before you start thinking 0 to 100,,, BUT, just my opinion friend,
my... my...it only seemed like yesterday we were talking about this...oh, but it was 4 weeks ago. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=97702
Lmao All of this would be enough to drive a normal person nut's, now throw in my ADHD (I'm not joking so please no one think I'm making fun of a medical condition) as I'm sure some on here have children on med's for ADD/ADHD. BUT my ADHD brain has taken a break, I appreciate all the input, when we get back on the car I'll share what route was taken, until then ya'll keep em between the ditch's, do I sound like I'm from R can saw or what?
my oldest boy has ADHD, we dont have him on med's, we did change his diet, NO red or orange dyes,and it has helped him huge, good luck with the build though, hope you are both happy with it when it's complete,but take time to cycle all the advice, take a deep breath, and do what you think is right,good luck friend, hope to hear about it soon,