Are Granada/Monarch sport mirrors like ours? They look the same, but I didn't have mine in the yard to make an exact comparision. If they are the same, I know where several sets are. Dave
Rear louvers, by the way an update for you guys, I am downloading Autocad on Kazaa (have been for days now) so plans can be made. Also add to the list Comet GT hood scoops delux gas caps and those grill badges from the 69-71 mavericks.
The biggest one that comes to my mind is floor panels... From other posts i've seen I know i'm not the only one that needs em badly. Also Gas tanks for early model Mavericks.
SCOTT, there are many junkyards in SO CAL. While I used to go all the time when I was relying on older cars, I used to see an average of 6 mav's in every junkyards for years. But the last couple of years, it is becoming more rare to see mavericks. However, if you are down for a while, open up the phone book, and just start junk yard hopping. You will undoubtably find mavericks, and all the rust free floorpans you want. This is some good stuff, I am going to put this in an excel sheet, my father goes to junkyards all the time as well. What is involved in cutting out floor pans? That might be a lot of work to cut out floor pans and ship them across the country, but if anyone has any input and makes it sound easy, I can attempt it. I'm going to cruise to the one close to my work tomorrow and see if there are any mavs there tomorrow.
Price is another Problem have seen fenders going for 200+ not even N.O.S just bid start at I don’t mind paying for some ones hard work to find and get parts and pay shipping but some try to get rich off a few parts I think 50-75 + shipping bucks for a good fender 100-150+ shipping for set of floor pans
jeremy- i have no floorpan problems... i just need the fender panels behind rear wheels without rust holes. and whatever doodads i may find. thanks.
Comet GT hood scoops Check out for a Comet GT hood scoop. I bought mine there. It is the same as the Cougar Eliminator scoop.
RATIO411 are the shock tower braces different for a v8 than a I6? CORBIN JOHNSON-you don't have a pic of the consolette and clock delete plate do you? also, what is a "special comet/maverick booster assembly?"
Oh, I don't know... The STBs just came to mind as something not likely to be reproduced any time soon. I guess I wasn't looking at "rare" parts, I was just thinking of things specific to our cars that wouldn't be on top of anyone's list to be reproduced. So while there are parts that aren't currently rare, there are some that deserve some sort of 'preservation' before they become rare. That's kinda where I was coming from. Dave
Hey Jeremy, Right now I don't have a picture developed of the console, and the delete plate. I don't have a delete plate or clock for the console myself, so I made my own delete plate that goes in the console. I took a bunch of pics, and it looks real nice. I will get those up here in a day or two. As for the special Maverick/Comet power booster, it is the one that comes with power brake equipped Mavs/Comets. It is unique to the Mavs and Comets, as the bracket used to mount it to the firewall is angled to the passengers side, so the master cylinder doesn't hit the shock tower. Another thing that would go with that is the power break shock tower brace, as it is completely different from the non power ones. I think I might have some pics of that and I will get those up if I have them. -Corbin
Power Trunk Release FYI - I just got an Electric Power Trunk Release from a 1972 Lincoln and it works great and fits perfect in the Maverick. When I redo my interior I have already found a place on the steering column below the dash to mount the original Lincoln button. Chrome faceplate with the work TRUNK in black letters. I believe this was a dealer installed option in any early 70's Ford ....
damn!! I havn't relied on an older car in close to 8 years or so. I used to go to the junkyards all the time 8 years ago. I went to the local pick a part on my lunch break with list in hand, hoping for a score, and found nothing but 80's mustangs (which is great for my other car) It is amazing how the entire junkyard scene has changed, and there are no old cars left. Regardless, I went to a high traffic junkyard, I still have a few more left in my aresonal---such as memory lane that I know have old cars. Will try another this weekend. BTW, I just called one of my favorite junkyards, while they don't have a mav right now, they get them in, and they told me they want $50 for the floor pans (and they cut them out too) I will check back from week to week and see if they get any in stock.
There are usually one or two Mavs at the local Pick N Pull's at least everytime i've gone i've always seen one. Last time I seen a 71 Comet, and a 70 Maverick, the 70 was mostly picked already, the Comet was there forever it seems like I grabbed alot of parts from it. Haven't been in awhile so i'm overdue .