OH OH!! Rear window defrosters?? They have em for Mav's?? and intermitent windsheild wipers?? Sign me up for both!!! My Mav is a '73 4 door... and these things would make me a really happy camper as I was just complaining about those two things... It gets cold and rainy and snowy here in N. Jersey... and with two warm bodies usually occupying the backseat... I would be great to be able to see out the back window! I'd also like to know where I can find the Maverick name thingy that goes on the side of the car.. mine's broke right after the v... mines on the drivers side... nothings ever been on the passenger side. Steering wheel with the middle part intact...
dmhines i'm curious how did you get the Power Trunk Release installed? I've been looking to add some sort of trunk release to mine just for added conveinence.
eeniemav e-mail me. i live in sayreville. i can help you find mav stuff locally todmeg@aol.com put maverick in the title bar so i don't dump it
hey!!!!! wait a minute... eenie- are you the dark green 73 4 dr i saw a few weeks ago near the doctors office? i had the olive green 72 4dr.
I'm gonna mount the release button in the extra plastic to the right of the steering column. Perfect fit for the original Lincoln bezel and button.
I've got the rear window defrost in my 74 Comet. It works perfectly, but it doesn't do a very good job. LOL, I guess defrosting technology wasn't as good back in 74, eh?
Maverick Marauder You think it's funny until you try to find the "M A R A U D E R" lettering off of the trunk lid for a Maverick Marauder! [Let alone the 3rd seat option]! lol
Also the Maruader Ram Air hood, scoop and actuators are completely different than a Mustang so they are not interchangeable ...