I remember when the Supporting Memberships were created - I thought it was a great idea and I signed up on the spot. Stefan, can you tell who was the 1st person to ever sign up as a supporting member? I think it might have been me. If I was not 1st, I had to be real close. Great idea to have a membership drive! (as a side note -I completely forgot my MCCI dues for 2008 and just received the reminder - my bad - note to Dan - the check is in the mail!)
Lets see if we can turn that 89 into 400 Supporting Members,, :Handshake Nice round Number,,,,, Stefan,,, You the Man,,,,, But 400 is Just a cool Number,,,I do believe it can be done,, Stefan can you post a Counter on the site so we all can see our Ghoal,,? Just some thing to show the number of supporting members lets see how fast we can hit that 400 Mark,,,:bananaman,,,
That is a few names,,,, How many,,,? we need a counter to watch that number go up every day,,, just a counter at the bottom of the page,, This way it wont sound like the kids in the back seat on a long trip yelling every 30 feet : Are we there yet,,,? i kill me,,,,
Hey Stefan, just an FYI. But on the MCCI State Rep List. Comet Princess is no longer a FL State Rep and needs to be replaced by j miller. Thanks
Is there a 2 year or 5 year suporting Member ship or even a Gold Life time,,? I am renewing in June,, I would like to do a life time Deal if its available,,:Handshake
I became a member of this site in 2000, and have been a supporting member since the first time it was offered. I think we all owe it to ourselves and Stefan, to help keep this board up and running for as long as Stefan wants to keep it up. I have met some of my best friends, and some of the best people anyone could want to meet. And, it just keeps getting better. Also, I couldn't have built my car the way I have, if not for the help and expertise on this forum. I agree.....we need to get a supporting membership drive going, and support our little corner of the net, and keep it a great place to come. OK, off the soapbox!!!!!