You're welcome. Like I said should have done it last year. Now how many supporting members do we have? was I the 90th.
Wooo Hoooooo 1/4 the way to our Ghoal,,:bananaman,, See if we cant hit that 400 supporting members by Monday,,,,,,, This Site is way to cool for it not to hapen,,, Its like a big Family,,, Gues I call Stefan Dad,, Hey Dad,,, Can I burrow the Stallion for a date Saturday,,
Mr. T-Bo, i see you don't have a...Supporting member your sig. i think you should have one and it should have a...Halo...around the edge... (not a cheezy glow) ...:Handshake...
Would never have gotten this far without you all!!!! Support to be supported!!! Thank you all so much!!!
I agree as well.. i am a member on several other forums, and the people on there treat the "new" guy like he was a piece of dirt.. i am glad, for the most part, that people on here are respectable, and treat others well and dont have personal vendettas against others.