Nekkid Magnum on the Sprint Ok,I couldnt resist...I had to go and stick one on the car to see how it will look.Granted theres no rubber on it yet so it looks...tiny...but I think its gonna be good look once I have raised white letter tires on them.
Man those look awesome and when people comment on your wheels you can feel even better since you did all the work!!! Good JOB!!
Another cool idea would have been to do some type of red/white/blue theme with the wheels. Kind of like this car.....but better:
Craig I originally considered the SC Rambler look but thought it to be too much. Gene...make me an offer...
Gene...I could do a set with a red stripe to match your engine... Or should we change your nick name to Grabber "Blu"
Nahhh... I like the blu stripe. Some day, when I win the lottery, and I have time, and you still have a steady hand, I will have you do me a set . In person... I like my nick name as it is. Grabber "Blu" is neat, but it signafies a Maverick, which I don't have