DITTO! ah takes me 1-1/2 hours to travel 35 miles one way every freakin day! you can have your stick and ..... nevermind also Ditto.. i had to put a full manual in when i put the supercharger on... dang thing wouldn't shift above 4000 rpms.. with the low lobe center and the car in boost there wasn't enough vacume to shift the car.. good thing i had a rev limiter lol! also ever been in a car with a trans brake! ah haa! that will whip your next back... slush that also IMO manuals are alot harder on a drive train then an automatic.
when i was young a stick was the way to go even at the strip. now that i'm old the automatic is the way to go even at the strip.
I can't believe nobody has answered the obvious answer--SOUND!! NOTHING sounds cooler than a v-8 with a manual slamming through the gears, going down the road. Period. You could argue about the inconsistent time as a result of a manual versus an automatic, and be right. But as far as just pure a$$ kickin", nostalgic, in your face, musclecar sound, gotta have a manual. By the way, my car's an automatic(for now).
Yeap looks like auto for me... play around with the gear ratios and such and do a bit of work to the 302 and I will be on my way
Manual... Pros: FUN, less parasitic hp loss (more power to the wheels), FUN, sporty, FUN, easy to do impressive burnouts, FUN, better fuel economy if you shift right, FUN. Cons: Inconsistent, open to human error, harder to get traction, can get old shifting from time to time. Auto... Pros: Consistent, faster in the quarter, easy to hook, no shift work, no human error, easier on u-joints and rear ends, easier on tires. Cons: Not FUN, creates alot of heat for your radiator to deal with, heavy, parasitic hp loss, lesser fuel economy, rpm lost to slippage no matter what, hard to get good gear ratios, weaker. Dave
Actually I'm enjoying cruising around in the 74 with the Automatic Tranny. There is one Major PRO that was left out of the list above. You have a free hand when you drive an Automatic. Eating, drinking, smoking, talking on the cell phone, fondling your passenger, etc ... All much easier with an Automatic!
All my Mavs have been column shift autos and all my daily drivers have been manual. Both my mom and sister drive manuals.
Got to like the autos. Not a big fan of the cluch eaters, plus when pushing the cluch and shifting im pushing the gas geting more speed think of the time you lose each run with a cluch eater remember in racing every sec counts when pushing the cluch and shifting your losing about a half sec each time.
BULL STUFF!!!!! If you are, then you dont know what your doing and probably should take the easy way out and drive an automatic.
in a maverick's case, the i6 automatics are powerless, which is what ive got. although i prefer an automatic in all cars, the maverick just doesnt get up going. my parents have a 2001 honda accord.. its a 4 banger automatic but ill tell ya what, that thing picks up!
We only do that in Arkansas....namely Perry county Seriously though, Manual trannies are for car enthusiasts that drive their cars. Autos are for daily drivers and bracket cars. I will say that a good build trans-brake equipped sissy box is the best of both worlds. Consistency AND fun. Put an electric shifter on it and it's hands-off driving for the most part, but that could get boring in a "slower" car. IMO a Maverick that gets driven a few times a week should have a manual trans. My Mustang is a T5 ('84) and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's the reson I bought it in the first place. Also, I doubt it'd be nearly as quick if it was a C4....even a pro-built full roller C4 with the proper converter. It's all in how you shift. Granny shifting loses nearly .5 in the 1/8. But, the next pass I let it all hang out and cared less about breaking stuff and ran 10.83 in the 1000' with a REAL mild 302. Not impressive times, but it was a TON of fun. Too bad the junk sorry excuse for a rear end wouldn't hold up. Broke #2 the other day. 8.8 or 9" here I come!
Well i guess that would be the case Well if not knowing how to set up a auto for what it's being use for that might be your case but aslong we know what we know the stick will never beat the reaction time or entry time seem alot sticks get sent of unhappy by a auto. and when you have that cluch pushed in wheres you power at untill it's into the gear you wanted but everyone has there own thing and it's upto them to make that thing good some can some cant alot just like the stick for the feel of it.