Here's some Maverick / Comet art that if you don't like you can always make it disappear just by eating it.
Now this dash plaque has a 1973 Maverick on it so to me it is sorta Maverick art, it's from 2002 and i picked it up at a swap meet about 5 years ago, besides the fact that someone decided to put a Maverick on a dash plaque instead of the usual Camaro, Mustang or Corvette is amazing all on it's own. I wish the scan came out better but the picture on the dash plaque was very faint to look at in the first place. I also scanned a Hotwheels Mighty Maverick just to see how well it would come out and it come out pretty good i must say.
Go on the Manualdo Maverick website , do the translation thing and then order one. I don't know how long it would take to have it mailed to you though.
This is art as far as i'm concerned, this was done by Lngroller who is a member on this board. I think this picture looks great, what do you all think?
I still love that pic Matt If anyone's up to it I took some more nice Jackstand wheelie pics If anyone can change the background, just ask
put the pics in your gallery. i'll see what i can do with it i might not get to it for a few days but i'll give it a try
That's so wicked looking, i only wish i could make the picture bigger so i can get a better look, when i press on it it just goes to a white screen.