Like everyone else, if the price is better or the same as re-Chroming I am in for at least 1 set of bumpers and boomer-rangs. Joe Thanks for the hard work in getting us the parts we need! Thanks Jerryfow2
well heres the thing,,, I got a few Bumpers Rear that is.. It cost me about $75.00 for a half way decent Chromable bumper,, the cost of straightening and Chroming was $300.00 I have $375.00 in my rear bumper alone,,, Not counting that I need new mounting brackets,, and License plate lights,, so when all is done and said That Rear Bumper will be close to $500.00 .. We are trying to get Rear bumpers out to you around $165.00 and $189.00 thats new replacement.. So that is way less then what I have in just one rear... So for what spent on the one,,, you should be able to get the rear and the front.. Will that work..? We are trying to get the Chroming done to an awsome mirror like shine,,, and the price way down because of volume of parts,, So with in the next 2 weeks the prices should be out,,, and maybe some pics,, this will be For the Maverick small rears,,, and Maverick small fronts,, along with a limited Comet small front Bumper,, Comet stone guard for behind the bumper will also be coming out,,, as well as the large to small bumper conversion brackets,,, Joe
I like what I hear Joe. If the Comets are only going to be a one time thing, it might be good for everyone to grab one at that price. Never know when one of us might dig up a Comet somewhere and wish we had a bumper! The prices you are talking about now, I would be in for one set, Mav front and rear. The second set depends on exactly where in that spectrum you give, the price lands.
Count me in for a 72 mav front and rear bumper!!!(need them for shure)Ditto everyone else on the other items.Price will dictate for me as well.
On any parts we have not released,,, No deposits are needed,,, just E-mail Tony at RPS,,, And let him know what parts you are interested in,,, and make sure he has a way to contact you apon arrival,,, All prices will be posted well in advanced,,, before they actually are released,,, but it helps us figure out Numbers and interest in parts for production runs and cost,,, (Helps Keep prices down) So please let us know what you are needing,, and E-mail Tony,,, so he can see to you recieving your parts when released,,, Thank you Joe
I'd be in for a small Maverick front and rear bumpers, and small Comet front bumper. I'd be interested in the side marker light housings and head light rings also depending on price vs. getting my originals re chromed.
It all seems to be going in our favor on the Front bumpers for the Maverick and Comets,,, along with the rears as well ,,,,, Monday and Tuesday is the meeting with the fabracaters and chromers for pricing and production release dates on the small bumpers,, The following parts are what will be the topic of that meeting: Front bumpers small for the 1971 Maverick and Comets. Rear bmpers for the Maverick and Comets 1971,,, Headlight bezzels,,, hood chrome For Maverick and Comet,,, Boom-a-rangs for the 2 door Maverick/Comets,,, I will keep every one informed of the out come,,,, Thank you Joe
Im hoping to see alot more of these cars able to be saved,,, Now that parts are up and coming,,, should make restoration alot easier,,, Joe
A few more little details and the Bumper prices and release dates will be posted,, Yes this will also include Maverick/Comet small front bumpers as well,, I will keep all posted,, Thank you Joe
Next Tuesday we should have the prices available for all the Chrome production parts,, The parts will include: Rear 1971 Bumpers.------- Sold as single unit,, Or Street kit (metal re-enforcement). Rt & Lft Booma-rangs.------ Sold as set of (2). headlight bezzles (both)----- Sold as set of (2) hood chrome.---- Sold as (single unit. all 4 side marker lights. These will come as complete kits W/gaskets and lenses along with backing for mounting, Front kits and or rear kits will include Rt and Lft sides and out of the box into the car packages,, Or a car kit will include all 4 units. Thank you Joe