I drove my Maverick in the snow once. It was a beautiful, sunny day when I went to work. By quitting time the roads were packed with snow. Talk about drifting! That was NOT fun.
OK...I watched the video...it looks like guys who could probably turn more slowly, keeping the tires planted, and make better time doing it...!!! It would be fun in the mall parking lot after hours, but I think by not cutting the tires loose, you could win the race by smoother turning and driving (kinda like the NASCAR guys do it...in Chevy 350s!).
It's more of an "art" thing rather than an e.t. event. Kinda like figure-skating now that I think about it - but only coooler (yes, I like watching it - sometimes - drifting, not figure-skating). They aren't trying to get around the track the fastest, they are getting "style" points with their semi-donuts around the track: "Drifting is a driving technique that originated in Japan and has slowly made its way to America via Hawaii. In drifting, a driver exceeds the amount of available traction and causes his vehicle to perform a controlled slide across the roadway. Much more than simply “burning out,” drifting is regarded as artistic expression in the motorsports world with each competitor applying a myriad of techniques and stylistic differences to their driving performance." source:http://www.driftsession.com/sponsorship.htm
We drift 5 months out of the year up here. This is pretty much a Cali thing in the states. Big in Japan, of course. Mavs would be better drift cars if more were manual trans cars. We are doing a book on drifting, which should be out next summer.
couldn't have said it better myself. really? let me know if you need contacts for this.. i deal with a majority the maufactures that either have or sponsor the cars.
I'll do that, but I think the author might already have that stuff. I'll check and if I need anything I will call you Monday or Tuesday. Of course, I can send a copy when it is done.
Sliding. So it's sliding with a different name so that some youngster can think they are doing something new? Have to be other rural backgrounders out there that spent they're late teen years sliding dad's cars and trucks around every chance they got. I grew up where there were more dirt roads than paved, and every corner needed to be done sideways. And yes that translated to pavement with Dad's Impala, usually chasing a friends Coronet 440 all around town at 1 in the morning. If you could lose the other guy you won. But I don't think I would call it a motor sport. Like I don't think rythm gymnastics is really gymnastics either. More like monster trucks. I like racing the old fashioned way, the fastest guy wins. Motorcycle racers have been drifting, I mean sliding, to win for years btw, rear tire spinning and sliding around corners because it gets them accelerating quicker on the exit. Not for style points. If you think it's impressive with 4 wheels you should see a guy on two doing it at 100. In a real race.
i don't think its something new.. this type of "drifting" has been around for more then a good 15 years.. (yes not a real long time) but yes new to a generation (young or old) that has never seen it. yes i know its not been around as long as some of those motorcycle events as you spoke of... but then again those guys along with modifieds and sprint cars only go turn left .. but think of it this way if it wasn't something that was hot now or then... either way GM, Pontiac and drivers like bonderant, ryes millen woundn't doing puting all their money into it .. even though they do suck compare to some of the other drivers
Believe it or not, I heard the Camaro RS's (third gen) are generally the most popular American car to "drift", and that may be due to the owners already into "sliding." I personally wouldn't mind to "slide", but "drifting", as like ice skating, isn't something in which I'd enjoy to compete. Maverick Man, I'm surprised you don't drift. What's the issue? Prefer to do real racing with a real car too much? If I had a car(more like cars) as nice as yours, I probably wouldn't either... Thus why I'm keeping mine nice but humble
probably the reason there arent too many mav drifters is because the way the stock e brake is set up.Unless im mistaken, that is part of what you use to stay in the "drift". you would have to put an after market brake handle. By the way the time trial cornering racing i wanted to try is called Solo. i found a couple nearby that are the higher level ones, Solo 2. thats a little more my taste in racing.
I have a maverick and I drifted on freeway turnouts with no problems,I think its just people that are scared to drift and crash the ones that don't drift,but me I'l do any racing with my maverick,