i was at gulf greyhound park at drift show off the first time that guy ran, well before he competed.. he is really good too
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=zdt3-PZtUxk this is the first thing I thought of while reading through.
yeah I did that one too many times in my 65 Ford Galaxie and I side swipped a guard rail....never did that again. Jason
Wow awesome comment thank you for your wonderous words of wisdom I am sure that all who read this forum will benefit from your infinite knowledge, and maybe we will be inspired to live up to the criteria that you have put forth..
or called an accident here haha i was taking a brand new on ramp that was wet an i didnt know an i was goin free way speeds cuz that was speed limit an i went drifting on to the free way...learn an live lol
"Drifting" is nothing new to me ... just haven't done it in years, and wouldn't do it again on public roads. We had a road near here that was perfect for "power sliding".... legendary among me and my buddies. There was a 20 mph perfectly banked left turn followed by the same going right. I was well practiced on this, too. One night, I had a buddy and our dates in my first Comet. Totally freaked them all out. Midway though the second turn, one of the women started screaming, "Oh my god ... the car is on fire." To which she was told, "Shut up, that just tire smoke."
Read this and somehow thought I was on youtube arguing with chevy fan boys........strange how this relates.....
Wish I was a mod so I could kick you Oh and............TROLL I'm glad you don't have a maverick anymore
In a few years of good solid drifting, his "S-chassis" will be worth what he got in scrap for his Maverick... What a D-bag...