if you havent drove it to much i would try to retorque intake bolts, make sure distributer isnt loose and didnt turn, use brake cleaner to check for vacume leaks. (brake cleaner wont leave residue) spray around carb and intake sealing surface.
People have been known to accidently pump in diesel fuel instead of gas. We won't mention any names...
You can buy vaccum gauges/tools at your local parts store that can help you diagnose these type of issues. They even come with instructions how to find a vaccume leak. The trick with carb cleaner/starter fluid is that it will only work if its sprayed in a mist around the possible leak (it must be atomized) and be sure not to spray around the air already entering the engine because the rpm will raise and give you a false reading on the issue. My .02 good luck!
Its not an intake leak, and i also replaced spark plug wires. I think it way be the distributer not sending enough fire to plugs. it has no power and the shaking is minimual
How did you decide no intake leak? They may leak from the inside, usually plugs will show oil an may see smoke out exhaust. Also, with engine running an carefully looking down carb, can you see gas flowing down both front barrels?
I think Pauls is on the right track with his idea.You stated that when you removed spark plug wires that you had to remove 2 on one side to see a difference.If you this again and find the cyl that is not firing then you should try one of your old spark plugs or swap from another cyl and see if that cyl fires.If its just a plug then ok.If not then try a leak down test and compression test.You may even need to remove the valve covers to see if a rocker arm has come off.Good luck