I start to get busier with work this time of year, so now's about the time I get things packed up, because before I know it, I'll be working 12 hours days. As for the snowblower, I have a little shed, just for it, with a 100W light bulb, to keep it just warm enough. Opening the big door with the snow, can be a pain, it gets in the way of the door closing tight, and plus it lets the heat out. I'm going to putting a 10X15 addition onto the back of my garage, that's my plan for October...that way, I'll be able to put 2 cars end to end on one side, and still have a good sized spot for the other, either to work on, or to just sit and drink beer, and watch TV.
I did that because I'm in the Air Conditioning business Plus, we only use to get 6 digits, and George (he's on here) had GRABER already. I've had that plate for almost 20 years.
I would have thought that where you are, the heating business would be the preferred business to be in! j/k
I have been extremely fortunate to be able to afford a lift and can get our four vehicles into our three car garage. This bay does not have to open all winter long. Bruce
If I had the height, I'd do that in a second. I own a piece of property, and I may build a garage there someday, and I'll make it nice and tall, just for that reason. Thanks for the tease!!!
I have always had nightmares about storing my mav under a lifted vehicle.....my luck the hyd would fail and the safeties would be off.... Flat mavcake
A long time ago (late 70s), one Friday evening, a mechanic friend left his 68 Camaro up on a two post truck lift ... he came in Saturday morning to find one post up, the other down, and his Camaro gently laid down on its passenger side.... the hydraulics on one post had leaked out. Heard lots of new words that day ...
Yes, but the important thing is they're all tucked away for winter! At some point in time I'll be doing a add-on of a new shop build....someday...
Better double your size. You will find you will still need room after you add on a 10X15. Of course, the more room you have, the more cars or stuff you accumulate. At my other farm, I had a 24X36 area in my main barn for the cars. When I moved, I built the current building 48X60. It's full and I had to move my boat and tractor outside to accomodate all the cars. At least, the cars stay nice and dry, in addition to an 18X24 area for working on them. Got my tv going to make noise and my recliner when I get tired. I find I take more naps than I used to, must be getting old. You never really get enough room! This time of the year starts our most active show season. Summer down here is like Winter up North. Where you have the cold and snow, we have the heat and rain. Not too many shows, too hot and rainy this summer especially. Our Mustang club has a big all Ford show this weekend, first big one with many more in Oct-May. Jim
Winter what the heck is that? Its been autumn for a few days now and its like 96 degrees and 100% humidity! I probably wont be complaining when your guys are snowed in and it's -20 and IM still walking around in shorts!
My garage is heated, so I walk around in shorts, in there all winter... I have to goto $hity Hall tomorrow, to get my permit. Hopefully by the end of October, I'll have another 250 sqft!!