It was all the sweet-talking I did to get the room rate. (Well, telling them I wanted to get the MO-KAN rate the first year since we were going to be racing there probably helped. )
The rate is great. That's the only way I can consider the three nights we are gonna do. As for the "enormous free breakfast spread", you must be pulling my leg. I never saw any breakfast except over there at Bob Evans. My wife likes that place so that's where we went. If I see any "free" foods I always do that lol. Fasting on Thursday? And thanks Don, It's 10:30 and you have made me hungry. Thanks Matt.
Gene, If you missed breakfast at the motel, that's okay. It just meant there was more for me. I think they lose on the room rate with the free food for me.
Hopefully everyone is thinking about the MCG Gathering in Joplin. Make your reservations pretty quick as the time is nearing.
we are ready, Patches ain't yet. (still has a converter issue). leaving Sat. for a visit with Mom in N.C. leaving there Mon. for Ind. to visit my daughter... leaving there wed. for Joplin Mo... leaving there the next wed. for Hannable Mo... leaving there Sun. for Ga. ...... ...
You're late. We left Sunday morning and got here last night. We even got here on the same set of tires we left on. Seems we got here a lot faster since there were no interruptions. A new record.
Had a great time at Jeff and misty's tonight. Food was awesome and lots of people. I can't even begin to name all that were there. Some people happened to be passing through stopped in. Matt Williams, Robert Raney, Allen Sellers and Thomas and Joshua, Mike Cooper, Lee and Connie Reichart and Dale Suich, Greg Crawley, Jack Grice and his dad John, Frank and Effie. Also some friends of Jeff and Misty. I think it was probably the most Mavericks ever parked in front of their house.