Yes, Gene, there is plenty of room. The front part of the lot is set up for semis, and I have not seen even one of those yet. AWESOME BBQ at Jeff & Mistys last night!!
Good mornin' Frank. The youngins are still asleep. My little girl insisting on staying out for the parking lot session with Dad. She's a real trooper.
Good mornin' everyone! Hope you all are having a great time. Hope to join you all for sure next year. Enjoy!
Well, we had 52 at the early bird get together at Jeff and Misty's house. The food and BSing was really great. Went to the 4 states truck center for a tour on Wednesday. That's where the "Trick my truck" show was filmed. We even got to meet "Scrap", one of the guys on the show that did the demolition of the trucks being worked on. Also after lunch we feasted on chocolate at the Candy Factory where they showed us how they make gourmet chocolate. Last night was a fun time at the drag strip. James Allen had the fastest Maverick time with a 10.66. Lee Reichart won the bracket race this year. Congratulations Lee. You da man. We went to Red Oak ll this morning. After that Ruth, myself and the kids went to the Precious Moments Chapel and just got back here. Looks like the parking lot is pretty full. Sorry, I can't do pics from here.Tonight is dinner at Ryans Steak House and Buffet. Tomorrow is the BBQ and show at Lambreth Park.
Here is a pic. Adding AC in the parking lot. A couple of cars over a master cylinder is being changed out. My car got a carb tweek and feels alot better..Thanks Jim! The bottom of the clouds just came down, but we will not let that slow us down!
Keep the pictures coming My hearts and soul is with you guys just my body and car arent so please share
Okay, Saturday morning. Getting ready to go to the park for the show.Looks like a nice day. Cruise this evening in town. They are roping off a Maverick parking area. See you later.