Well, we got here about 3 this afternoon. I spoke too soon about everything going good. I stopped at Venita, Oklahoma to stop at the world's largest Mc Donalds with the grandkids. I stopped at the fuel pump, got out, and found one of my trailer tires shredded to bits. Never even felt it go. I put the spare on and made it the rest of the way. Funny thing is these tires are just 1 year old and this was the 4th tire of the set. Now they've all gone, and Big O has replaced them all. wonder if they had a bad batch of Carlisle tires about that time. Oh well. We're here safely.
Robert, I'll probably be going in to Springfield in the morning to get a new tire and to take the kids in to the caverns. But I will be back in the afternoon. My trailer is off to the side as you come in.
Wow - glad to hear you got there safe. Last night I was driving my truck, telling my wife that I really needed to replace two of the tires (I bought two new tires early this year). We had just finished talking about it (literally less then 30 seconds), and I lost the right front tire. Strange - I hadn't hit anything and there was no blowout, nail, etc - but a slit in the sidewall (perpendicular to the wheel/tire tread). It just split open and went flat. Anyway, the truck is at the tire shop this morning to get two new tires (hopefully they have them). I'm trailering the car to Joplin. See you there.
Don you almost made it to Joplin without an issue. The issues you are having with tires is strange. Hopefully they cover the tire for you.
I was pm'ing rob that I may just try and make it on hopes and dreams. I've been driving the Maverick since my truck broke down (water pump is dragging or something, haven't had time to check, sounds TERRIBLE) and it hasn't done much but reach about 200 degrees idling in 95 degree heat. I've got to work Friday, but there is a slim chance that I could get up really early Saturday, jump in the Mav (dirty, full of junk, and the rearview mirror fell off last night) and try and make it out there. I'm weighing the possibility of breaking down miles from home, and I don't have any family around here. However, my folks live in Muskogee, which is only two hours from Joplin, sooo.... maybe. I really want to be there, but it's all about taking the risk of putting myself out of a running vehicle, with 4 jobs and school, that's dangerous.
lol atleast your getting to go. Its not all that far for me, just don't have the funds to go. Enjoy the Gathering!