I just got back from a short test trip. About 25 miles. My vinyl roof finally failed completely. It peeled abck about 6 ionches and blew a LOT of rust in on top of me. I stoped at Tractor Supplyand bought a roll of duct tape and taped the outside down. I also discovered my electric fan isn't coming on so in traffic I was at about 250ยบ. Boiling over when I got into the yard. I need to address that. Also i 'M GOING TO TAPE THE INSIDE roof THE RUST FROM FALLING ON ME (oOPS, CAP LOCK ERROR) After that, it's just a matter of packing my bag and heading out around noon. When you see a green 2 door with a partial black duct tape roof, That's me. LOL See you all tomorrow
I'm here, and Robert and Matt and their families are here also. got a new trailer tire today. Ron Perrier from Canada just called my room so he's here also.
How did I miss this thread!!! Guess I was snoozing and loosing, dangit! Too late for me to cancel my service calls I lined up .
Nah...they were both a little too far away this year. I'm waiting on next years locations. I hope to make at least one of them next year. Be my luck they'll both be even further away.