Finally found a copy this morning. Very Nice! Something you can be very proud of. Both my daughters have been fighting to read the article, now they want me to build them a Purple Mav...(since you have pink already)
Love your car girl. Blue pearl hot pink....nice look. UUmmm The article lacked in text, I guess thats what we get being Mavs. I feel a certain disrespect, Mustangs get more text. I felt the article was condisending. I will be contacting the the Mag (Rag) to express my displeasure.
I haven't seen the article yet but, you would think, the magazine would have a lot to talk about concidering it is a Maverick. Something different for a change
Finally got my first issue in the mail and what I pulled out of the mail box was the current November issue - I thought I missed Terri's article in the October issue but I kept digging in the mail box and they sent me that one too. I like that "intense" look they captured on the driver's face
haha ha Bob.. the guy told me not to smile----which was tough as I love driving my car.. especially with a photographer hanging out of the car next to me.
It's funny this came up today. I took my copy to the Mustang shop where we have coffee on Sunday mornings. Everyone enjoyed looking at the car, and asked me when I was going to build a pink one for my daughters......
Soooo when are you going to get started on those pink or purple mavericks? hahaha.. Id love to see them. The world needs more cun colored Mavericks out there with girls in them.
Well..they really want a Black Maverick...but we'll see After seeing this up again, I figured I have a look at the time I left their web page, I had a 3 year sub to MM&F, and a year to 5.0L, and Mustang Monthly...I'd have bought Hot Rod also, but I get that from my youngest daughters school program.
finally received my copy today. a friend of mine picked it up while on vacation in the states and finally delivered it. great photos, great article!