The only thing that sucks about wearing a Maverick shirt at a swap meet is you can't browse without somebody saying ... "I ain't got nothing for a Maverick" ... or "That will fit a Maverick no problem!" ....
I've got a set off the passenger side front of a 4 door that don't need rebuilt, the doors opened and shut perfect. I'll bring them.
Well guys I just got home from Moultrie, still plan on being there again on Saturday, there were two Mav's for sale that I saw. First is a yellow 70 with Grabber hood and spoilers, 170 with 7.5 inch rear and no gas tank, price $1200. Second is an orange 70 factory 200 car with a scoop on the hood and Grabber spoilers. I did not ask the price on this one because it belongs to Mustang Masters here in Jax and I know it will be HIGH. rk
Earl confirmed he's meeting me at my house tomorrow at 6:00 AM. Haven't heard from any others today. Frank's buying lunch, right?