Giving credit where it's due. You do great work and from what I can see you don't have a fancy work area. You do restoration for a living? If not maybe you should consider it. You cud work for me - without a doubt. My hat is surely off to you.
Thank you for that great comment. No i dont have a fancy work area but atleast i have a garage . No i dont do restauration for living but i would like to do it. This is my first "restauration" i am 27 i am working on this car for 5 years now and i hope i will bring back to life other cars. BTW i want to make my car like your, mine will be a clone but i want it red with black interior with rear spoiler.
Im sure u will have a future in restoration. AT 27 u have time to make a career in the restoration business in some capacity. From what I have seen I wud assume you've had some techinical training in metal work. Anyway, will be following ur progress on the Mav.
Great work, one question: what gas tank did you use? It looks like you cut out the well of the '71 Comet trunk to put in an 'early-style' tank or a Mustang tank. Did you do that just to get rid of rust damage in the trunk? My rear rails were pretty bad too but not as bad as yours, nice work. Must feel good to get to paint stage.
I used 64-67 mustang tank. My leaf spring went through my trunk floor so i remplaced the trunk floor and lower quarter in the same time. I put a link to a pics to see what i remplaced dont know if it will work.
Wow, even more impressed after seeing what you cut out and replaced. You must have been tempted to 'back-half' the car for a narrowed rear, 4-link, and coil overs considering how much you replaced with new tube steel. Did you just 'gusset' or section your new rails to old? Meaning did you butt the two pieces (old and new) and then weld a smaller section inside the rails at the joint? That's what I had to do for one section of mine near the rear torque box. Thanks for the photos.
My car need to pass an inspection before going back to the road. This is why i go to the original look i was also a student at this time i didnt have much money. My new frame was bend at the end to be able to enter in the old frame and i weld the joint and drill some hole in the old frame to weld more far. I checked your pics you are doing a nice restauration on your comet. Where did you find your patch panel ? You did a great job with the rotesserie.
Sounds like we sectioned in our rails the same way (but I only had to do it on a small section compared to yours) Thanks for the kind words...rotisserie was just two heavy duty Princess Auto engine stands cut and modified for one-time use. I just had a bare shell and I could actually pick up the front end myself so it was plenty strong enough. Anyway, I ended up getting three different floor sections since mine were all bad, one from my '76 Comet (I wanted to use the floor hump so I could use my '76 bucket seat interior) and the other two pieces came from guys on the board here. Lots of welding and cutting. I cleaned up the welds on the bottom side so the seams aren't visible from below, but left the top side as is because I didn't want to weaken the welds and I'm going to cover it with stick on insulation anyway. Be sure to post photos when the car comes out of the paint shop. Are you also doing a Toploader for yours? I think we're also both doing Toploader installs as well so we can compare notes on how that goes!
I will see my car this week and i hope he work on it. I am going toploader too I received my rebuilt kit I will start the rebuild this week-end. I am going with the original Z-bar setup how your will work ? I
I too am going to try the Toploader and original Z-bar linkage with headers. I have the Toploader ready to go but the rest of the car is still a year or two behind...need to finish the body work first....