theres at least 5 1/4 mile tracks closer than sac. to san diego. pheniox has speed world and firebird. theres bakersfield, fontana, and vegas. there are probly more but i cant think of any.
fontana is pretty nice, but the import and late model guys flock here like crazy. You get like 1 run per hour. Its $20 on saturday.(street legal)
yah it's 15$ to run on wed but cant run faster than 11.5 i think that's because it is night time racing they are open from 4pm to 10pm they do run on the weekends but it's 50$ yah it takes about 20-30 min to race in between race's
I see most places let you run street only on weekends and I work weekends. I'll check out the other places but if I can't find anything that'll let me run in the weekday I'm going with the trailer idea
well there are three 1/4 mile tracks near me but all at 5k feet plus altitude. so im anxious to tune it and rune at sea level at least once. Mashori, your company good about vacation time?
I think so. I work at Kaiser Permanente. They seem very friendly. I haven't taken vacation, been here only 6 months. But that's a good idea too, what date you have in mind, I'm ready when you are! Lol