I'm not trying to dismiss lofty aspirations, but I have first hand experiance of being 17 and being shure I was gonna need more room for all the trophys my 64 was gonna bring home. Problem is, all the ideas I had cost money. That was the one thing I didn't have, and I have yet to run into a 17 year old that has the money, space, equipment, or wisdom to modify a car tastefully to full-out SEMA show-car level. Thankfully, I didn't start cutting, and tearing apart the car, to leave it in a pile. Its still not running, after more than fifteen years, but I'm glad I didn't do more to it when I first got it. I'm tired, and rambling, so I'll shorten up my point, Its your car, work to make it safe and reliable first. And don't get the sawzall out & hack it up with just the picture in your mind of what it will look like... it dosnt end well.
I can relate to that, the cutting up of a project,remindes me of my youth. I was into originality for many years,it has its place. Build what you want -and make it safe. Go ahead and get her done.
Do whatever you can afford and whatever fits your skill level. Dont try to go beyond either. I lost a few cars in my teens to that. Lots of years ahead of you to build your dream car. Try to bite off more than you can chew and I have a pretty good idea what will happen to the car. Unless your a rich, prodige then ignore me and start cuttin' Best of luck on the car. Have fun and be safe. My biggest piece of ADVICE--- Remember its a ton more fun to drive a car than watch it rot in the driveway in pieces. --I'd keep that one in mind if I were you.
thats all nice. it was not what you had said in your original post. oh and if you want to go with the biggest 351 based motor, ford motor sport offers a 454 stroker kit for the tall deck 351 block. so there was a concept convertible maverick. it was never in production and you will never be able to buy the 1 ford produced concept convertible maverick. i dont mean to attack you. when i was your age had those big dreams full of misinformation also. i was saying things, looking dumb to the people who did know. (this is before the internet was popular). i hope you become the next great auto designer and are able achieve your dreams.
sorry i havent been on in such a lot time, and now to reply to all ur posts. first lets start with pil1sbury: i think ur mav will turn out awesome. i love tht interior colour, and my mav was actually made in canada so it doesnt have those chunky bumprs on it lol and im definately goin with a custom box in the back. in truth i got increadibly lucky getting mine, it almost didnt happen. the guy wanted 3500 for it so we gave him a crown victoria police package and 1500 for it. but yeah keep those dreams in the sky, they'll fuel u to greater hieghts thn evr before.
mavrick75 ur totally right but like pil1sbury said, in brazil their variety is crazy, they have the gt's, maverick 4's u name it. their body style is also different like the taillights have a more mustang shape to them, another taillight option is the thin streched style. many many options going for the mav down there, thts my point
resto thx man, i no im young but my dad has made me learned in movie culture lol its one of my favourites. and im totally up for questions and advise thx
cyclonewill, eastern raider and darren, i totally know where u guys are coming from and trust me when i say tht im only dreamin here. if i were to EVER start this project i wood buy a whole nother mav for it and start there. my mav now is my daily driver and is under my wrench nonstop. i plan on making the one i got reliable and safe then go on from there. the reason i did this post was to let people look into my thoughts on wat i wood do personally. i know tht on here we converse about our cars and projects at this moment but sometimes just sharin wishes and wants never really hurt anybody. ur guys concern is absolutely understandable and i promise not to rush into things, i just want to have fun with it all u no
bryant, when i posted this first i had all these thoughts in my head and i only had an idea, not really a solid layout. i knew tht i wood have to go back and revise a whole lot which i do on a regular basis on my posts. i just wanted people to hear wat i thought wood be cool on the mav. as for the convertible, i no its a concept started in texas and they only made 400 but it cood still be made or if i got lucky, buy a made one which i have heard of in my area from one guy with a mav ranch. i no i can sound pretty dumb on here especially when i get ahead of myself but im also happy to admit tht im wrong and learn the right way. thts wat i try to do as long as everyones nice about it lol
lol i thought i got to u when i adressd cyclonewill and eastern raider. but i guess ur comment was a bit different. thx for the advise btw, ill keep it in mind
There is two sides to the fence of the dream you have. There is doing, and there is dreaming. I am not questioning your ability to do it, but I would be very very careful on stuff you do to your car without fully thinking about it and the consequences of your actions. Also the projects are extremely expensive. I am right in the middle of my build and I've had to halt some of the stuff I wanted to do due to the money issue. Now if you have deep pockets then go ahead. Right now just in paint supplies and everything needed to do the body work on my car I am about 1000$ into doing it MYSELF. to have a company do full blown sand blast, sheet metal work, body work, primer, blocking out, prepping for paint, and painting. You're looking at anywhere between 3-10,000$ depending on what you want done. It boils down to man hours. I have over 120 hours in body blocking and paint prep and im 2/3 away from actually laying paint down on the car. All I am trying to say is take your time, there is no rush. Always dream big and try to be unquie. And please listen to the advice and knowledge these guys have. They've all DONE what you're doing, or in the process of doing like myself. Its a extremely expensive hobby and can be devastating.
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ I am sorry, but you HAVE been misinformed.:16suspect I also believe that you are getting the Mach1 and the Mustang ll mixed up. The Mustang ll was produced from 1974-1978. They all had 13'' wheels that noone in there right mind would reproduce. The Mach1 on the other hand, has had its wheels repoped by several wheel companies, in various sizes.
Also its a must you provide pictures of your car Here is my project http://www.maverick.to/mmb/showthread.php?t=80968
strokermaverick if u read a previous post on this thread i not only back up my statement about the mav convertible but also give u the link to the picture of it. as for the mustang 2 replica wheels, google it.