Lzoesch, im definately taking the safe route on this dream project here. i prolly wont start till im out of college and have a good career started. and thts a great project uve4 got there. ur stages are lookin great
There is a picture of a convertible on this site. I'm pretty sure everybody on this site has seen it. There is one that Ford made, as a concept, and there is one that Craig Selvey cut the top off of, here in the gallery archives. As far as there being 400 convertibles; you HAVE been misinformed. Mustang ll wheels ^^^ You must be talking about something else totally different than the Mustang ll wheels. You won't find another one besides this one, if it even still exists.
i look foward to following your build on this site. i hope you take and post lots of pics and that you are able to fullfill your dreams.
i cood have sworn i had read somewhere they made 400... maybe it was the drang-n-fly. i looked tht up the same time as the runabout. however the production number whether it be one or one thousand isnt relevent. i no u cant buy one or find one. it wood have to be made but tht is the style i wood like. as for the wheels,
ive been trying to upload my pics on here but they r so big cause i use a high mega pixal camera and theyr like 4 megs per pic
here it is boys, my 1974 ford maverick with a straight 6 250 and a 4-speed auto to back it up, 3.11 gears in the back if im not mistaken.