That is looking GREAT. Skip E-Bay for parts you need. I'd bet what ever you need could be found right here among our members. Repo parts being the exception.
What engine is in the car? Does not look like any water outlet on any 302 or 5.0 I have worked on? Doesn't look like the one on my 200. Is it a 250? Is it cracked or leaking? Might just need a new gasket and thermostat. clint
I'm sorry, I don't know the connection with 200, 250 and 302 for our car. And don't have the exact specs on the liters, but I know it has 116 Horses. We might have given it an overhaul esthetically, but when it comes to it we know nothing of the mechanical aspect, besides the exhaust-system which we had to change. Hope the 116 Hp might give you a hunch, if not I will find the vehicle information tomorrow. We'll hear with a parts-shop nearby about a new gasket and thermostat as soon as we get it together as we'd like to have a new to which fits before we take the old one of (in fear of the old one breaking into bits and pieces). The leaking is minimal, but some leaking happen, but whether it is from the hose to the gasket or the gasket we can't say for sure as earlier experience placed some leaking close to the hose.
That is a sixer notice the valve cover bolt directly above the housing. from the looks of it it should have a/c, the alternator is just so low. i'd like to see more pics of the engine if you don't mind. thomas