Here's a few shots of Larry Winter and myself at the Oakville Tuesday night classic car cruise. Some sweet cars there. Once it was all done, here is a shot of Larry hitting the road home. Nice to do a mid-week Maverick / Comet get together.
I figure if my last post had Larry's Maverick and my Comet at the cruise than i should take it back in time to what Larry's Maverick started out looking like. Wow now how does that grab ya! What a difference some time and money makes. It looks great Larry.
I think this is a cool picture of 4 toy Mavericks together, hey just think not that long ago there were no new Maverick toys around to buy.
Yeah that is just too cool those pictures, very nice arrangement of some fine looking Mavericks. Keep those pictures coming.
Here's my new grill that i have bolted onto the Comet as i wanted to change up the look of the old girl........... So what do you all think? Now be kind.
lol. something about that grille just seems a bit outta place. Maybe you could replact the dodge emblem with half a comet emblem and half a maverick emblem so itll say comrick. if you use a little imagination to block out the "Dodge", it doesn't look so terribly bad...
Yeah i guess the Dodge badge sorta sticks out a bit eh. The grill came from our family mini van that we just sent on it's way to the big bone yard in the sky, i must say it was a good van that hauled all 6 of us around far and wide. I'm not much of a Dodge fan.... but i was sad to see this one go, so just for kicks i thought i would put the grill on the Comet. It fits pretty good but it's going to be hung up on the wall in my garage, i owe the van that much. Don't worry the Comet won't end up with that grill.
I love this picture, it's just so random and was not planned out. It's right after Starsky and Hutch pulled me over and gave me a ticket for speeding. I was doing 20 in a 5 on the grass at a classic car show. This picture was taken right after they gave me the ticket and were leaving the show. They spun the tires tearing up the grass for the length of the field. I think they did it just because their fake cops.
Here is a new Maverick that was spotted at a recent cruise night in Cambridge. I love seeing a Maverick or Comet for the first time. Pictures were taken by Larry Winter, thanks buddy.
comrick, figured id post these here since you asked for em. i hope you're happy. i went in and worked on my off day just so i could get these pics. lol. ok, maybe not just so i could get the pics. the overtime pay kinda influenced me as well. its been moved, and has brand new tires on it, so id guess they're fixing it up to sell or restoring it. looks like its been hit in the right rear quarter. the extension is gone. its got some rust on the trunk lid it looks like, and is missing an "F" from the "F O R D" trim on the hood. oh, and the left front was sitting low like messed up suspension or something. edit: i believe its a dreaded vinyl top as well. this car just has so much going for it, doesn't it?
yea, im hopin it comes up for sale as is so i can buy it and send her off into the maverick community where she can get the attention and treatment she deserves.