Bryant had this whole thing together pretty much, I just had to figure out the shim sizes to install which was easy (after I messed it up and Bryant showed me how to do it right). I put some sealer on the bearing retainer to install it and I got to tighten the 13mm bolt and it ends up cross threading. Made it harder that the gears were in place but I ran to get some heli-coil to fix it, was a little tedious work but not hard. That's a VERY good burger with blue cheese and red peppers . . . umm, that was the lunch break. And there was another board member's maverick getting work done. So 3 mavericks there, mine, Bryant's and this dude's. I put some tape behind the hole, put a bunch of rags in place and got surgical on this thing. After drilling the hole, I had to use a tap to make new threads. Here is the thread and the thread tool. Just had to twist it in. Here you can see the little tab that stays in place. There is a tap that you literally hammer into the hole that breaks the little tab and then that's it and it worked great.
So we finally got it bled right and the pedal feels awesome. The trick was to have a steel braid line which allowed us to invert the MC in order to get all the air out. We put the pressure bleeder onto the cap of the reservoir and upped it to 4psi. Then I opened each fitting and listened for the hissing sound of bubbles and sure enough got plenty the first time around. Here you can see the MC can totally be moved in any direction to really get the bubbles out. Remains to be seen if the steel lines will give after a while which might make the pedal feel soggy. I had to do it twice. The first time it still felt super soft. Then I did it one more time and finally got some air coming out from the slave cylinder that was still stuck and some at the top of the MC.
I have never had a T5 that drove this great, really great shifting and just super smooth. However, we put the G-force 5th gear in and they are super loud. On the freeway because it's a high pitch sound it makes your ears ring pretty good. So I'll be taking those off. For $340 they are pretty pricey and I would guess except for road racing there isn't much need for them.