New Car club (please read)

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by PINKY, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. Mavaholic

    Mavaholic Growing older but not up!

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Original 72 Sprint Owner, 71 Comet GT, 57 Ranchwagon, 57 4 dr Wagon
    Actually if you go back to that post, somebody else brought up the word first and then you took it and ran with it.
  2. Mavaholic

    Mavaholic Growing older but not up!

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Lets say you have a Maverick car club and you have 50 members. Out of those 50 members, lets say 30 of them have another brand auto besides the Maverick. So 26 of them get together and vote to include all makes into the club and planned events. Well, you no longer have a Maverick club. Just something to think about.
  3. bossmav

    bossmav Drag racing nut

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Ok from the outside (I don't belong to any clubs) this is just UGLY.

    I've read most of the posts and if this get edited or deleted then so be it.

    This sounds like a split of a church and for those of you who haven't seen that, what ends up happening is two churches are formed.

    If this continues we will have two websites to post on and two clubs. Now is there enough of US to do that?

    For me this doesn't matter, I can put both sites in my favorites and visit both.

    Now with all that said, I will say I understand both side of the coin, but won't
    side with either.

    I will keep this matter in my prayers and pray that it works out for the best!

    As always just my .02

    Terry Gates
    AKA Bossmav
  4. CornedBeef4.6L

    CornedBeef4.6L no longer here

    Apr 3, 2003
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    I am happy the MCG is here. Nobody can rain on that parade. It's a good thing for alot of people. I'm honestly ashamed of how some have reacted to it. Yea, some guys worked on me to get a rise out of me in this thread, well duh that's easy and everybody knows if you keep pushing Lance's buttons......Character Flaw.....perhaps....Just seems awful convienent. There are real issues to deal with here and instead of that it turned into I won't join or associate with the MCG if he's a part of it. :yikes: Sorry some of you feel that way and while that's well in your right don't expect me to merely walk away. I'm a bit more stable than that....;)

    I'm no leader of men, I sucked as a mod etc..., but I am a mavericker and have been for 15 years. It makes me happy:yup: So I will take a less than graceful bow at now. I think it's safe to say where I stand.
  5. Craig Selvey

    Craig Selvey Indiana State Rep - MCCI

    Mar 9, 2002
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    1972 Maverick Grabber - Color: Orange Also, 1976 Ford Maverick 4-door, 1977 Mercury Comet 2-door.
    Once again Terry speaks very good words of wisdom, which is why his thoughts appear at the bottom of every one of my posts.

    Keep in mind...if it walks like a duck....talks like a duck.....must be a duck.
  6. Hawkco

    Hawkco Genuine Car Nut

    Jan 2, 2004
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    After considerable dialogues with John, Lance, Seth, Craig, Eric, and others I've come to the conclusion that John really and sincerely thinks he is doing the right thing. While I may think the reasons behind his motivation are petty and insignificant, he does honestly believe in what he is doing and does want to build a new club that can co-exist with the MCCI. I wish him the very best of luck. :clap: I'm staying put with the MCCI. Maybe one day I'll join both, but I'm going to wait a couple or three years for them to get the "shakedown" completed. I want to see what kind of club really comes about. Good luck to John and the MCG.

    As far as my original, negative opinions on the Maverick Mafia, in earlier threads and this one, they have not changed. If anything, they've strengthened.

    Call it what you want. It is a divorce and relationships will change Though I sincerely hope not, even some friendships will be destroyed. I'm through on this subject. I will make no more public posts in this thread.
  7. Rando76

    Rando76 Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Congrats to Nick on the round-up. I look forward to Virginia '07! Also, I agree with Terry, I think only time will tell how this works out. Good luck guys.
  8. Thack

    Thack vision advicator

    Mar 18, 2002
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    I will say this and it grumbling on my part, I was a little pissed that in 05 the poeple that showed up for the round-up got to vote on it's location in 06. When I brought up these feelings on another forum I was jumped by some folks that had attended.

    My point at that time was if there was a vote it should be by all the members not just a few that happen to attend. Even if the choices were Indy or Kentucky, living on the left cost I would like to see it alittle closer but, understand that it takes someone willing to take on the challenge.

    Here are some of the answers we got for moving the round-up closer.

    Craig started the round-up and it is not associated or use funds from the MCCI.

    We on the west coast should start our own round-up and build up the attendance.

    More poeple live around Indy and Kentucky so attendence would go down if moved west.

    This tells me that the MCCI and the round up are for those who live in the east. I'm not saying to move it around every year but, maybe once every five or so.

    And yes I have been to a round-up, me and the wife DROVE her maverick from Sanbernardino to New Castle Ind stopping in KC to meet Matt. We had the greatest time and I would not trade the experience for anything. I would just like to feel more apart of the club even if it's a facade.
  9. don graham

    don graham MCG State Rep

    Mar 10, 2002
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    thomas, i agree with you. i had a great time at owensboro last year. i came home with so much enthusiasm people automatically asked me "when are you going back?" i said next july. i heard rumors of virginia and also georgia. a proposal was made at the meeting for new castle. i looked up the ga. site and new castle on mapquest. they were both within 30 miles of the distance to owensboro. i figured that the site wouldn''t be moved further away from the people coming from the west. i know nick will do a great job. that's not the question. might be middle of the country from north to south, but east to west you sure cut us out of it here out in the west. this went extreme. it adds another 1000 miles round trip for me. i hope there is a good showing. wish i could be there. only time will tell.
  10. ModMav71

    ModMav71 Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    1971 Maverick Grabber 98 DOHC Cobra engine w/5speed, 1974 Pinto 2.0 4speed daily driver.
    I thought this thread started as info on the new car club of which I support. I agree it has turned into something totally different. I've heard John say nothing but praises of MCCI and even started the thread out as such. Now on the other hand it's like since someone wants to start a new club outside the MCCI some have been on the defense. I think (by what John said) that this was something he has been thinking about for awhile now and that he doesn't see eye to eye with the MCCI in all matters so it's a good time to start the club. No where in there did I see any bashing on his part! He never put his personal problems with the MCCI on this thread for everyone to see, I'm sure if you pm him he might tell you, but I think that's a stand up Guy to not put all the info out there for everyone to read and sway people to his side! I have no idea what it's about and I haven't asked. I do think it's a great idea to have more than one club and I hope it only helps our hobby to grow and get more recognition.

    People have long said if you dont like something change it. Well thats what John's doing. And I for one think he is going about it in the right way. To compare this to a Church splitting wouldnt be the best way to describe this. In a Church there is supposed to be unity and love amoung the members in serving their God, no matter what their differences, likes or dislikes are. Your there for one purpose Love of God and to worship that God!
    This is a car club (not a church) with many many different kinds of people all of whom are imperfect. You can't expect all those different people to get along and have the same views when most of the time all they have in common is an interest in the same kind of car!
    I've heard some people say "how are you going to do this" and "how's this going to work?". Well guess what...someone had to start the MCCI! It hasn't been here since time before time. And Im sure they didnt know how exactly to the T everything was going to work when it started. IM sure John can figure it out and with supportive members it will get done. If some people are going to be negitive about it and say it wont work and find fault and problems before it even starts, then those should stick to the club their in and don't become members of any other clubs.
    I'm not a member of either club...yet. Neither am I bais. I'm just saying how things look from my point of view.
  11. mean_maverick

    mean_maverick Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    Well I See Both Sides Of The Pond As Far As The Issue Goes With Both Clubs. I Do See Some Concerns And Conflicts With Both As Far As Round-up Dates, Members And Such.... But I Understand Why John Is Starting His Own Thing. I Have Spoken With Lance Before The Mcg Even Had A Name And Understand Their Points And Opinions. I Attended The Round-up In Owensborrow This Year And Met Alot Of Really Great People, And Then There Was A Select Couple That I Can Live Without Meeting Again (to Say The Least).

    One Of The Downfalls Of The Mcci (i Think) Is The Lack Of Opinions That Were Taken On The '07 Round-up In General. The Round-up Planned For Va Puts Me Out Of The Picture, And The Mcg Is Having One Within The Same Distance As The '06 Round-up, Which Would Work Better For Me. I Understand That It Wouldnt Work For Everyone But It Did Help Alot Of People Having It In Owensboro. While At The Round-up, I Had A Blast But Felt I Was Treated A Little Unequal For Some Reason.

    I Did Not Bring A Car, But Had 5 Sitting At My House. My Brother Came Along For The Ride And To Enjoy The Weekend, But Felt The Same As I Did And Maybe A Lil Worse Because He Doesnt Own A Maverick. But Keep In Mind That My 16 Yr Old Brother Helped Me Tear Apart My 72 And Build It Back From Nothing And In Turn Has Done As Much As Anyone Else To A Maverick And Likes Them As Much As I Do. Just So That Some People Know....
    I Met John At The Round-up In Person And Is A Great Person And I Support His Reasons And Cause And Will Be Eager To See Where The "group" Goes, But Just Want To Make Sure There's Not Alot Of Conflict Because No-one Needs Drama In Their Life, And Ecspecially In Their Hobby (maverick-ing That Is) Just My $0.02 Worth
  12. ModMav71

    ModMav71 Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    1971 Maverick Grabber 98 DOHC Cobra engine w/5speed, 1974 Pinto 2.0 4speed daily driver.
    As for the Maverick Mafia. Here is some other information about the word Mafia.

    Most experts agree that what we now call the Mafia dates back to the Arab conquest of Sicily in the 9th century, and the first Mafiosi were patriotic Sicilians fighting the invaders. But there are all sorts of theories about the name "Mafia" itself, which first appeared in English in the late 19th century.
    One story traces it to the cries of terrified Sicilian parents, who were said to have shouted "Ma fia!" ("My daughter!") when the invaders landed. Another tale fingers "Mafia" as having been the initials of a secret resistance organization. And yet another theory traces "Mafia" to an Arabic word meaning "refuge" or "safety."

    But the most likely source is simply the Sicilian dialect word "mafia," which means "boldness" or "bravado," possibly from the Arabic "mahjas," meaning "aggressive boasting" or "bragging."

    Given the word's first meanings "from fighting the invaders, boldness, bravado"...I personally think it's a fitting name for a Racer's Group. Maybe we can take it upon ourselves to educate people in the meaning of the word, and lose some of the negativity associated with it!
  13. mean_maverick

    mean_maverick Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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  14. obmav

    obmav Greg Garrison

    Apr 4, 2006
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    olive branch, ms
    partial owner/ 1973 Maverick
    here in memphis ELVIS had the "memphis mafia" that was his inner circle. thank you thank you very much:bouncy:
  15. ModMav71

    ModMav71 Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    1971 Maverick Grabber 98 DOHC Cobra engine w/5speed, 1974 Pinto 2.0 4speed daily driver.
    And another quick tidbit. Since the Mafia is now a Racers Only Group. Isn't the purpose of racing to show who's better, beat the other guy, be on top #1. Sure it's fun but everyone wants to win. Therefor even if you want to look at Mafia in the neg, it's still fitting for a Racers Group since the purpose of them being out there is to Kill the competition!
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