new thread...GLOBAL WARMING IS A GOVERNMENT SCAM!!!! (just thought I would try to stir things up in here a bit :evilsmile )
i cant remeber who said this?i think it was homer simpson, were in an episode he says " i dont want to die, i want to live to see the effects of global warming,[wispers] i got a tip that its all a bunch of crap"
I wonder about it sometimes... Every night I watch the news and they give today's temps, along with record temps and years of the records. Anyway, look at them sometimes... You will see a well mixed situation. Often the record highs came from many, MANY years ago and record lows are often recent. Makes you wonder how the record high could be from the 1920s for example, and the record low from 1999. They aren't all like that, but I will say it is an even mix. If we were really in the situation they say we are, the record highs should all be recent, and the records for 80-100 years ago should all be lows. It's just not, and it's not lopsided either. Dave
All I know is it's hotter up north than it used to be, and when the weather changes, it changes overnight, we no longer have spring and fall like we used to we seem to go from one extreme to another, the more extreme the better it is for me
we have the same thing , changes like that one days its barely 40 today and tomorrow is supposed to be 70 go figure , next week itll prolly snow
Stands to reason to me as well that we are dead in the middle of an ice-age cycle... Should be warming before it cools... If we were starting an ice age, kooks would find someone to blame it on other than nature. We are also overdue for a pole shift... Every so many thousand years, the magnetic north of our planet shifts polarity. Over the past few hundred years that records have been kept, it is clear that we are in the first phases of a polarity shift. Every year the magnetic strength of the earth weakens. When it reaches a critical point, it will shift to the south pole. As the field weakens though, solar winds penetrate our atmosphere. This is totally natural and proven to have happened many times in earth's history, but is far scarier to me than alledged warming. Dave
As of 11/02 these should have went out for ceramic but since I have been out of town since 10/27 I will have to check it out tommorow. Global warming, eh? How did we get on that . lol
How is it going with the 351W issue? Did someone get headers to install? Do you have some measurements? for example how far the tubes extend from the heads.
I just sent a display set we used at the sema show out to one of the members today. We should know in a couple weeks what the deal is with the 351w in our cars. He has agreed to document it well with pics . Jamie
, I dont know. I know that the port location is the same so I dont see a problem there. I think the biggest problem would be getting the flanges since we really only have flanges for the stock bolt pattern...