I like the idea of them being shorties also (my Hookers dig trenches). I also like the idea of allowing easy access to the plugs and the ease of puting a socket on most of the header bolts. I like the ball-type collector ends too. I currently have the Hooker 6208-1's (1-3/4" primary long tube, ceramic coated) used on a C4 with floor shift. I mentioned in another post (or two) that a spacer between the heads and headers are also needed. The initial cost of the headers plus the spacer plates run the cost up (double the price of your headers). If I had it to do over again, I believe I would go this route - even if it meant giving up 10 peak h.p's or so over the larger tubes. 'Heck of a price for what sounds to be a quality product. Good job! and a very nice gesture to provide discounts to everyone here.
BLU, if i were you, i would sell the headers on ebay as pre wrapped and try to recoup the money. the cost of having your pipes cut to fit those then eventually redone again to match the shorties that jamie is making is what is killing me right now.i had already dedicated to the long tubes and had the pipes done to connect
Well, selling them sounds good but,(clearing throat), 1. They are dinged up (wraping helps hide most of it) 2. I've had the flanges cut off and all welded together(although they are cut right now) 3. Brings me to number 4 cause it's the mostest reason why 4. I have to pull the engine out almost all the way I have a couple of bids out that would help me to purchase the shorties. Hopefuly soon I can purchase some and hang on to them for the next time, untill then I have to try not to go back in my progress. For those of you who havent gotten thus far, GET THE SHORTIES!
I'm in the middle of swapping a t-5 cable trans into my car, the hookers I had were junk, what a waste of $$, I'll be calling in my order this week for these
Holy crap, why did I never see this thread? Right at this moment I don't have the necessary $300 for the new headers, although I am so very much wanting to buy them. Will these still be available in about 3 months time, or was this a limited run? Mine's a '73 302 Comet that needs a new exhaust system, and I'd been told the Hookers were the best bet. I hopehopehope that these will still be available whenever I get the much needed cash? Other than the pic in your gallery I couldn't get to any of the other pics, but that one proved this is definitely on my need-to-buy list. Now to just get $300 that I have nothing to do with. (thanks to Blugene who mentioned this on another thread; I'd have totally missed it otherwise!)
I am pretty sure, just as any other Doug Thorley product, these will be a continuously produced item.
you can't quote me on this.... (actually, you already did quote me by putting what i said.. into your post!)
That's why I come back every day I possibly can. I didn't know about notching the shock towers untill after I had installed my drivetrain. I seem to learn something on a continual basis. Glad you found the shorties lady, hope you get some and share the experience .
What happened to the pictures comparing the Doug Thorley headers to the Headmen 88408?? I would like to study them again.
Also Jamie....How is the clearance with the pitman arm on a power steering car? Especially in a full left hand turn.