I have factory z-bar linkage, but I am considering going to either cable or even a hydraulic throw out (to save some space)... I have a C4 currently, and I also have a SBF C-6 trans (from my Mustang stuff)...bellhousing clearance should be about the same between the two automatics... And a T-5 swap has been considered...just not sure if it would hold up to the Windsor! (have broken a few behind mild 302's ) Nice engine bay BTW Eddie - I'm jealous!
351Ws go in without any fuss where it concerns mounts and accessories. The headers are the problem. The exhaust ports exit right into the towers. Cutting the towers does not help either. You cannot cut them low enough to get exhaust clearance. Shaving the towers only gives you some wiggle room to get your hands in to change plugs and such. No effect on header fitment. Short answer: 351w uses stock 302 mounts, linkages, accessories, and such. Towers do not have to be cut, and don't help header fitment either way. The attached pic shows how access to the headers is greatly improved with the towers shaved. However, after you cut as low as possible, you can see how the tubes still have to contend with the stock profile of the tower regardless. Then you can also see tube proximity to the the steering box. Dave Btw: Why are all the speed part companies in Kalifornia when they can't sell their parts there??? This is why you can't find a 351 Maverick near you! After 68 year model, the Kalifornia laws are too restrictive to allow such a swap from what I understand.
In Tennessee, you can get Antique Tags for anything 25+ years old. The only thing is you cant drive the car everyday, only on weekends & to events. Buy tags one time and thats it until the car dies or the owner do, witch ever comes 1st.
I Have Been Trying 2 Find Headers For My 70 302 Maverick For A Year Now .if They Will Work On A 302 With A C4 Tranny And A Coloum Shift Im All In .please Let Me Know.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually you still cant swap engines unless that engine was originaly equipped in that car, also if your car is 76 and older its excempt from emmission testing but its illegal to take off the emissions stuff off which means all my car is illegal accoriding to CA laws
Nope, you CAN modify any vehicle that is (sorry) 75 and older. You are still thinking that the "rolling" 30yr smog law is in effect, it is not. It was repealed by the govenator. Your car is not subject to smog though, so do what ever you want with it. check this link out... http://www.smogcheck.ca.gov/StdPage.asp?Body=/Smogcheck/doineed.htm
They don't need a manditory smog check before 76... However, I was curious and started with the link you give and found that things are still strict. I found things like: Visual inspections and certification requirements if law enforcement suspects something illegal about your car... OR if someone turns you in as a "gross polluter", regardless of vehicle age. Basically, big brother can smog or visual inspect you at will and make you get back in line within 30 days by getting certified at a smog station... even though your car's age may not be within 'manditory'. Any parts used must be CARB approved and it is on you to prove it if you are challenged by any LEO. You cannot remove, alter, or disable any emission control equipment that came with your year model. Subject to roadside check, regardless of year model. You cannot increase the displacement of your engine. To qualify as a "historical" or "special interest vehicle", the vehicle must be "unmodified in any way from it's configuration when sold as new". It is easy to be a "collector" of a "special interest" or "historical" vehicle... You just have to own one (or more). So it sounds like it is a lot easier on folks in PSRK, (People's Socialist Republik of Kalifornia) but big brother is always watching. I read on one page I ran across that you folks have roadside sniffers that film the car from several angles to get pics of car, driver, tags, etc... Then a variety of lasers and such measure your speed and exhaust emissions! Oh, and they record and measure the sounds your vehicle makes... LEOs (law enforcement officers) are trained on some scientific scale, forgot the name, that rates the color of your exhaust coming from your tailpipe. On this scale, he is charged with pulling you over and challenging your emissions. You have 30 days, regardless of model year, to get your car smogged and turn in the certified results to that agency. This is a link to guidelines given to mechanics on auto repair... I would need an hour to put up every link I looked at... http://www.smogcheck.ca.gov/stdPAge.asp?Menu=/includes/Menu_GenInfo.htm&Body=/Geninfo/Publications/Engine_Change_Guidelines-Jan_1994.htm Edit: This is interesting (Rebuild the engine and you have to take it to a "referee" and get a sticker on your doorpost??? Remember, Kali considers any engine/car after 68 as being emission controlled.)
all i have to say about that is glad i dont live out there....at least in wv i dont have ANY emissions testing at all. now maryland does but i dont know how that works
cool thanks, i was looking at the older laws http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=veh&codebody=&hits=20
I was looking at the 351W registry and i found someone in Cali with a 351W [font=Arial, Helvetica]Name:: Dan Dotson Email: themav@pacbell.net State / Country: Calif. Engine used: 351C Model: Maverick year: 1970 2 or 4 door: 2 Door secrets to success: +030 71 Boss 351 with ford motorspots M9424-A351 intake (head intake ports filled to match yates/windsor style intake) 9" rear with 4.56 on street 5.13 on strip. C4 with reverse manual valve body Raced: The car runs very consistant 11.70's at 119mph at LACR in Palmdale Calif. Has run a best of 11.49 at 121mph. Message board Handle: none [/font]
Funny thing is...go to Orange county, drive the freeways out toward Riverside, half the cars are smoking like they just migrated in from Mexico. (nothing against Mexicans, Mexican cars, etc., just a reference regarding the less strict Mexican emission's standards and their proximity to Southern California. Of course, if you have documentation that suggests that I am dead-WRONG about Mexican emissions, I would be humbled to have it presented to me... ) I go out there twice a year on average, and it is amazing how many cars smoke. Deep black smoke. And don't get me started on the smoking Diesel Semi-trucks with the out-of-round wheels that look like they are getting ready to fly off. Texas has much less stringent laws (no smog check, visual or otherwise, for 30 years) and yet my gut feeling is the cars run cleaner here than in KA, er, CA.
i really need a new pair or glasses, i tought since it was a 351W registry all of them were windsors, my bad the smokiest car(not including trucks) in my area is my mercedes diesel Off topic:Has any one seen the documentaries on global warming? makes me glad that the governmant started Emmisions tests