Well that's interesting, don't remember seeing that... I suppose that could be a regulator issue... You can jumper the orange & blue wire on regulator to ground, this will full field alt, if voltage increases to around 15v generally alt is OK...
What I was thinking when I asked about the under drive pulleys - would be the simplest way to increase the alternator speed at idle
Ok ....I jumped the -A- and -F- wires (per instruction,s on the voltage reg for when there is an internal VR ) and my voltage jumped to 13.7 Volts with the electric fan running. I have tried 3 different solid state regulators and one mecanical. with a voltage reg pluged in it only reads 11.8 volts
Is the regulator is securely grounded? Won't operate properly hanging in mid air... As far as smaller pulley I wouldn't do it, there is a reason Hi-Po engines used a larger than stock pulley and it ain't cause they're cool looking... Zing one up to around 10-12K rpm, and they'll sometimes break a winding or because balance is less than perfect, crunch a front bearing...
I wud just go to a one wire alt. and eliminate all those hassles. I went to a 1 wire 130amp, small frame alt. 5yrs ago and had no issues since; I run elec. fan, AC, stero amp and lights at night - no problem.
Yep it has a good ground. I have one more idea i'm going to try, if that don't work i'm going to 1 wire alt. My new question is, if i drive over to autozone what do i ask for? if i go in and ask for a ford 1g 130 amp alt i'm prety sure i'm going to get "the blank stair of stupidy"
I dunno if AZ, Advance etc sells one wire type alts, AFAIK they are strictly aftermarket... A Ford alt will require some wiring changes to install, probably instructions here on the forum or most certainly on net...
I got my unit from the following source: http://www.qualitypowerauto.com/catalog.php?item=17&catid=45&ret=catalog.php?category=45. I got the small case 130 v pulley @$150. 00 shipped - priced the same as when I bought it 5 yrs. ago. I am very satisfied with it. If you try AZ and can't get it done; this is a great plan B --- IMO. You comin to NSRA agn this year? I will be there!
Well i installed the 130A 3G 1 wire atl today and i am a happy boy It bolted right in aligned up perfect and with the electric fan, heater on full, headlights , radio , and wipers on i had 14.55 Volts.