Welcome to the board. Don't listen to Ward. He's the jealous type. He just hope's to be my age some day. Really he's a great guy. Now he'll be getting a big head. I believe Steve was on a helicopter crew up north of us. Met him a couple of times. If you put "unlimited" in the search box here you should come up with a lot of info. on them. Hope to see more of the build. There's a bunch of guys in the Phoenix area. We used to get together once in a while. There's a post on here about Desert Mavericks. That is the Arizona guys.
Welcome from Goodyear, AZ!! BTW, the Yellow Fever Maverick used to be my car and I sold it to Steve...small world.
Thanks Don, I did look them up...lots of info on this site...it's gonna be fun. Thanks Gene...you're right, it is a small world!