Great looking pictures! Great color combination. I had '81 and '84 Vettes that were that combo. Great looking car. What's the story on the pyramid? Jim
It's the third largest pyramid in the world, and a major Memphis landmark. That and the "M" bridge are the main defining features of the city's skyline. Here's the Wiki article about it, and here are some interesting facts from the article: The official name of the Pyramid is "The Great American Pyramid." The Pyramid is 321 feet tall, or 32 stories -- the third largest pyramid in the world. The Memphis, Tennessee pyramid is a 60 percent replica of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. A 20 foot statue of Ramses the Great stands guard at the Pyramid's entrance. The arena seats 21,000. The interior of the Pyramid has more than half a million square feet of usable space. The Pyramid's exterior is clad in stainless steel. Here's another pic we took of the Pyramid:
That would be awsome! I love the Black Chrome look, I have a friend who has his car flat black with black chrome wheels and bumpers. Looks sweet!
My version of your pic Done on my laptop so not perfect. This is the type of treatment I'm doing for car owners. I print them anywhere up to 24x60" I've been working on this and have just started getting it down so it doesn't take hours. Sorry a bit edgy around trunk roof and hood but just using touchpad Enjoy
Even with the rough edges it looks 100000000000000000000000% better than what I can do on a computer! Out of curiosity, what does something like that run? -Scott H.
I don't want to turn this into an Ad. Maybe Stefan will allow me to offer these in the for sale Forum. But since you were kind enough to ask. Usually a print Whatever size the owner wants is what is delivered. (I usually take the image as well) But, a limited time offer just for you Scott. Send me a high quality digi image of your car. I'll do it on my real computer and send you the retouched digi file back and you pay my $20 to renew my supporting membership here. ($20 is maybe 1/2 of what the retouch part of the fee usually is)
OK looking at it this morning it was pretty rough. I did a quick refine. use this image. For some reason it keeps reposting the original before I refined it. I can't figure it out. I will email you the new version.