The car will be on a diet thats for sure you shaved lots of weight just getting rid of the bumpers. Good things always take time and money but most of the time the end results make it all worth it, looking forward to seeing more as it happens. What kind of power plant are you going to put in it ?
Really clean in the back seat area, no signs of rust whatsoever. Seat is being deleted and a full roll cage will be installed. Mini-tub will also be completed to fit the new 3-link & new rubber. 20180319_181952 by i.e.427, on Flickr Front floors are a different story. I knew this but this is not virgin territory. The passenger side floor has been repaired before and not well and I'm going to have to take a close look at the drivers side. So far the drivers side is just surface rust. I've got to track down where the moisture is entering the car. 20180319_181944 by i.e.427, on Flickr This is the drivers side. Lots of seam sealer. I'll clean this all up and take a closer look to see if any pinholes of rust are present. 20180319_181929 by i.e.427, on Flickr Some of the interior pieces I'll be hanging on to for the time being. 20180319_181910 by i.e.427, on Flickr
Most of the cockpit will end up with new aluminum panels. But where flat panels are not feasible, I may recondition the existing plastic interior pieces and dye them to match the new interior. 20180319_181901 by i.e.427, on Flickr The next few pictures are of all of the "stuff" going into the dumpster over at the shop tomorrow. 20180319_181816 by i.e.427, on Flickr 20180319_181822 by i.e.427, on Flickr 20180319_181841 by i.e.427, on Flickr
Do you still have the upper portion of the rear seat? And possibly the 5 lug rear. I have a friend in need of one
I had those item "For Sale" and listed here since April of last year, so I did try to help members of this community. Finally sold off the engine, trans and rear end locally on craigslist. The rear seat went into the dumpster on Monday and was picked up on Tuesday. Sorry.
No worries, I was just inquiring, I had just come across , your thread. Can’t wait to see the build . I’ll send some pics your way... there is a maverick that is built , to your description
Sorry Dude, just seeing this. I think I did mention early in the thread but I am going with a 6.0 LQ4 with a TKO for trans. The rear is going to be a Ford 8.8
She's been sitting idle since I last posted here. I've got to get her back on 4 wheels so she can come into the shop when it rains. She is so sad. 20191128_122547 by Frank Maslowski, on Flickr I did manage to find a low mileage 6.0 engine and I'm in the process of tearing it down (limited) to install some HP parts. 20190530_173047 by Frank Maslowski, on Flickr Engine harness carefully removed. Haven't decided whether I'm reusing it with the stock ECU or going with the Holley Terminator X system. LS Harness by Frank Maslowski, on Flickr
I ordered a AJE Colt 65 K-Member about the time of my last postings here. After reading quite a few "issues" regarding the welding of these, as reported on the AJE members facebook page, I decided to have the powder coating removed and inspect the welds for myself. All in all the welds looked pretty good, all had decent weld penetration. But I did decide, since it was all stripped down, to add welds to the back side of all the welds in all of the critical areas. It's now at the powder-coaters getting a fresh coat of gloss back. 20200104_140747 by Frank Maslowski, on Flickr Also made the decision to go with the Rack Craft lowers with the rod ends for a little more adjustability. These are high quality pieces. Racecraft Arms by Frank Maslowski, on Flickr Lastly for now, change in plans for the manual trans. I picked up a T56 from the same company I got the engine from. Again, a low mileage piece and designed to mate up right to the back of the 6 liter engine. I'll dig up a picture of it later.
Very cool parts horde! That's my weakness, I love to hunt and gather parts but I drag my feet assembling them.
I just got a little drool on the keyboard. That is a project I would love to do or have done but being realistic I know that once I started it would probably never get finished
We're supposed to be due some rain tomorrow so a big effort was made today to get the Maverick inside the shop. Got the car off of the temporary (wood) dolly and on to this recycled steel body dolly. We then pushed her inside. Tomorrow we're hoping to get the steering column out and dash cluster. Maybe pull out some of the 50 year old wiring behind the dash as well. Stay tuned. For those of you interested, there are more pictures here. Eleanor inside by , on Flickr
Had a few hours today to dive inside the Maverick and get some of the stuff out of there. Steering column was first. Going manual trans so column shift isn't needed and this thing is pretty clapped out. Steering column by , on Flickr It's going to fit in the dumpster a lot better without the steering wheel on there. Steering wheel by , on Flickr No more saving parts to give away or sell. Kind of tired of being lectured to about how to post for sale threads, so in the dumpster this goes tomorrow. Garbage by , on Flickr The wiring harness was pulled out pretty much in one piece. Grabbed the connectors I thought I might need so in the garbage this goes as well. Harness by , on Flickr Cluster is coming out next. This may get reused. Haven't decided if I'll be doing a custom dash or reusing so I'll hold on to this for now. Dash Cluster by , on Flickr