Anna said she heard it before. Hate to say, her response was regarding Crocodile Dundee..."That sheila looks like a man...". "She IS a man." At which point he grabs her in the nether-regions to confirm
Shelia is an aussie term for woman and Bloke stands for guy, any one that is a friend is called a mate.....i can clear up all the misconceptions or questions if needed.....No worries Barry
How do you "blokes" feel about American tourists coming down there and hanging out...maybe getting some surf, good food, checking out the sights and wildlife? I would assume that we would be more appreciated if we stuck to our own "lingo" and didn't go around calling everyone "mate" and grabbing their nether regions if they look "iffy"? Honestly, though, visiting Australia has been a dream of mine for years. Almost made it last year when work sent me to Guam...about half way there, but not really even close Might have to bring the wife out there for our 10th anniversary, coming up next year...
Welcome also Anna, btw I love the pick in your signature. Scoop does the building & Anna puts Della to the test. Now thats what I'm talking about. If it cant smoke the tires, whats the use of a V8.
Just a little south of Brownsville Actually, Anna doesn't drive it much. She has difficulty with B&M shifter and has to relearn it each time she drives, which is kinda scary. She promises to drive it more often when it is painted all one color, like that is somehow going to make it shift more easily Actually, I was hoping that by getting her a little more involved with all you guys on the forum, she would see that it isn't just beer, wrenches, and greasy floors, and she might get a little more motivated to drive it a bit, especially a run or two at the track. I really think she would get a kick out of that She really did get a kick out of learning, and performing that burnout. Even though she totally toasted a set of BFG T/As, and didn't have enough rubber left to do it again for a higher quality picture (to send to Car Craft, I accidentally left the camera on low quality, so we may have to try it again :evilsmile ).
she would see that it isn't just beer, wrenches, and greasy floors, its NOT!!! then what the heck is it.
Hmmm ironic we have a Brownsville here too but our Guam is S.E. from there Oh well anyway WELCOME Anna