After seeing the is a rust bucket. 4-door Mavericks can be found with a lot less rust.
I looked the car up since I'm in your neck of the woods here. My advice is to run away from that one as fast as you can buddy! I grew up in the midwest.. and this part of the country is not kind to "economically built" unibodied cars like these. Exterior rust aside.. bad cowls.. torque boxs.. rockers.. floor pans.. window channels.. you name it and that car likely has issues with AT LEAST 3 of them. You'll dump tons of time and cash to only end up with a bondo'd resto.. that you'll never get your moneys worth from later on when you decide that you've had enough. The nicer you make it look.. and the more you want to get back out of it later on.. the more those potential buyers will scrutinize it and find all the underlying issues. At a higher price range.. they'll surely walk away.. or force you to lower your price and take an even greater loss just to get out from underneath it. They made millions of these cars.. and as Craigs thread eludes to.. you just need to be patient, is all.
I agree with everyone else. I have seen several near flawless 4dr mavericks sell for 3-4k, I would spend a bit more and save yourself the heartache.