Jim, Your tent was a most welcome addition to that cold day. We drove my wife's black 07 Mustang that year. Made a 6 inch snowman and set him on the rear spoiler. If there is a link to pics from this year, I would like to see them. I tried talking my buddy who just bought a 2015 Track Pack Mustang GT into going, but he wanted to go to Mecum. Plus, driving on his Pirelli P-Zeros in cold weather is a bad idea. Soft tires and cold don't mix. Shortens the tire life, which is already short to begin with.
That is Rocky's maverick, so this picture has to be at least two years old. We lost our spot to the cougars this year for their 50th birthday. NPD stuck us under the big oak tree that was dropping lots of junk on our cars. They let us move to the road after the last cougar got there.
Hi Group : Here are a few photos we took at the 2017 NPD ..ALL FORD Show..on January 7th this year in Ocala , Florida at the SILVER SPRINGS PARK ..One of the pictures show the Cougars in our "Usual Spot " and we're in the background near the dripping Oak Tree ..The photos are in no particular order and some of the people you'll see here are MAVGRAB ,and the Couple that trailered their ORIGINAL OWNER Beautiful Comet GT to the show all the way from North Carolina. Bill , Alex and Kim are also in the pics along with Bill, Kim and Tony Ganyon the man who Dyno's all the cars in the area. (Nick's Gym Tee Shirt )This guy is so talented that people from several States away bring their cars to him to MAX them out . He has offices in Ocala , Florida and another near Jacksonville, Florida. We have YET to Dyno Kims Maverick but that will be later on this month. It was a wet , cold day but , All in all ..it wasn't that bad. How does that go ?? ( suck it up buttercup! ) I'll post some additional photos later on today . I hope you Enjoy ! Cometized ( Chip)
I figured someone had some pic to share w/ forum followers. Thanks Chip! That is a nice venue falling crap from tress and all. Lot's of port-a-pot for the "Old Bladders"... LOL... I go to the James Dean "Fairmount Indiana", in late September and we have to deal w/ lots of falling acorns -- still nice venue. I like the Silver grille/facisa w/ the Red paint -- contrast nice. Maybe I should consider it. Is the rear panel the same? Which Maverick is the latest project?
Hello Again Mojo: Here's another batch of pics from the NPD show . The first is of my Comet and the second LIGHT BLUE Maverick is my Daughter Kim's car. The next DARK BLUE is my 70 Maverick that I finished last year . I've driven it 656 miles since it's been finished .Kim's Maverick has 178 miles on hers (breaking it in slow for he Dyno next month) We want to have at least 500 miles on the engine before its challenged on the Dyno. The rest of these neat Mavericks and Comets I don't have names for . I've seen most of these folks at previous shows but I'm terrible with names. The next to the last picture is of Kim's ' blatant ' attempt at BRIBERY with Free COOKIES if you voted for her . ( Joke ) The First photo is of Kim and I standing between my Comet and Her Maverick . That's about it Mojo. Great Day, Neat People, and I'm looking forward to NEXT YEAR if possible ! Also , you asked about the REAR of my Comet , so I've attached a LINK so you can view it . Lemmeno what you think. Cometized (Chip) http://vid304.photobucket.com/albums/nn167/cameocarclub/Seq Lights1_zpsoclammek.mp4
I like the those seq. lites, courtesy and the backup lites, very nice touches. Is that a 16" fan in front of the condenser? I didn't think it was enough room to get that size fan in there w/o altering the hood latch support? All nice cars, looks like lots cars showed despite the unfavorable weather...
Hi Mojo: Not sure if the fan is 16" or not . I'll check tomorrow , I do know its a SPAL . I don't have a hood latch just ' pins' so I was able to squeeze in a larger fan. Really does a good job and quiet too . It activates when the AC is turned ON and when and if if gets to 210 degrees with sensors. There were a lot of cars there , I heard the announcer say that there were over 350 cars that attended. That's DOWN from their usual attendance I'm sure . The weather convinced a lot of folks to Stay home. I guess I'm not that smart . Been going to these NPD shows for almost 15 years now and it's kind of a habit . Cometized (Chip)
I was wondering how that big of a fan, was in there w/ latch support, "pins", that answers the question. Removing the support , gives enough room to probably put a 16" in there. It looks like a 16". How about the dark blue Mav, looks like similar setup?
Hi Mojo: Photos attached for your review of the Comet AND the Maverick Fans setup . Bill made the brace for the center of the COMET grille to hold the grille steady since we removed the original piece. The fans on Kim's (Light Blue ) Maverick , and my Comet are 16' inchers . The DARK Blue Maverick is the 70 we just finished . The 70 has a smaller fan due to some space restrictions . On Kim's Maverick Bill installed a Mustang Water Pump which has a shorter 'snout' for want of a better description and allowed us to fit everything in place. Bill also made the 'Maverick Logo' block plate for mounting all the accessories in strategic spots to allow the use of ONE serpentine belt instead of 2 or sometimes three V-Belts.. The Borgeson Steering on Kim's Maverick works great .. No slop , no twitch , responsive in the turns . We're satisfied with it's performance. If you have any questions on the pics of the fans shoot me an email and we'll talk. Thanks Mojo , Stay Warm ! Cometized (Chip)
Thanks for the pic's Appreciate the info! I am glad the steer system works out great -- I just sent a PM asking about it when an alert popped w/ this post. You guy's have a lot of gud stuff to offer those of us. who may be looking for improvements, w/o the expertise displayed in some of your post. Hopefully, you will put more here; If not here, on the Cameo site..
Chip, Thanks for posting the pics. As always, I love the stuff that you guys are doing with your cars. Some really innovative stuff. Wondering about your front spoiler. Where did you get that? .... made for Mavs or some other application?
Hi Captain: Thank you for the encouragements ! We appreciate you're noticing. The front spoiler was from unlimited and I'm pretty sure it was for a Mustang . ( Can't remember the year ) I believe . I've had some problems with these since they like to ' crack ' when you grief them a little. I did this on one of them and had to ' pitch ' it since it was obviously distorted. I remembered this when I put the last two onto the Comet and my Maverick so I ' pre drilled ' the mounting holes from the center out to each end at about three inch spaces in the spoiler first and then touched up the scuffed areas with some like colored paint. We found and marked the ' centers ' of both the Valance , AND the Spoiler to align them properly. We positioned the spoiler to the valance where we wanted it ..Then I utilized several pairs of ' small ' vise grips to grip the spoiler to the valance edges and drilled the holes through the metal valance and fastened each new hole with a 1/4" x 1/2" Stainless Steel bolt , flat washer, lock-washers and nuts. We tightened them as we moved out to each end . We worked from the center to the outside edges ' equally '. Usually three bolts and nuts then we put the same amount on the OTHER end . We jacked the car UP and placed jackstands then with the Valance ON the car we continued the process. Time consuming and a real PITA sometimes but it worked out pretty good and the fiberglass didn't crack . I believe it was due to NOT stressing the piece too much in trying to conform it to the shape of the valance . By taking the steps I just described there was minimal stress to the overall length and I think that helped the process. We've done it on several cars now successfully and my Daughter Kim doesn't like the ' look ' of them so she'll run hers ' as is ' .. Thanks again; Cometized (Chip)
Thank you ! I wish I would have taken more now. Did you ever warm up after the show ? We stopped at Black Water Inn near the St.Johns Riverfront on the way back and had a nice ' HOT ' meal with HOT coffee. Great Day despite the weather conditions. Cometized (Chip)
Hi Everett: Concerning the Borgeson Power Steering Setup ... We didn't use the hoses supplied by Borgeson since they were too short anyway. We made our own and routed them ' down ' through the inner fender areas then over to the Passenger Side of the car nearest the GM type II power steering pump and we didn't utilize any shims . There were some restrictions on the DRIVERS side like Valve Covers , Shock Towers, Headers which we avoided by routing the power steering hoses through the inner fender and down along the frame. We made an Aluminum Mounting Plate setup to position all the accessories in more convenient locations in order to utilize a Single SERPENTINE belt commonly used on a 94-95 Mustang pulley setup. We did this to shorten the engines length by 1-3/4" inches to have more room for a Large Griffin Radiator and a Lincoln Mark VIII electric fan and Shroud . Bill made this Mounting Plate long before we were ready to place the accessories verifying the spacers required by mounting a fiberboard 'template' to fit the engine front THEN the actual Aluminum Plate was cut out on our CNC machine. There are a lot of areas that MUST be precisely fitted naturally. Whatever spacers, or recesses required was determined Before the plate was cut. Some V-Belt setups require two or More belts to accomplish all the functions of the accessories. We determined the location of the accessories this way because of several factors . There is More Room in front of the DRIVERS SIDE HEAD for the alternator . The power steering pump is shallower and easily fits in front of the PASSENGER SIDE HEAD. Because of the mounting locations we chose we had no choice but to make our OWN PS hoses. I hope this information helps somewhat and if you need any hoses made for YOUR setup, email me and I could make the hose for you if you can't find someone local to do it for you. Lemmeno Mojo: Cometized (Chip)