I got my Marti Report in the mail today!! This car is: 1 of 800 with this paint code (5T) 1 of 298 with this paint/trim codes (5T,HF, Saddle Bronze & Medium Ginger Cloth/Vinyl Bench) 1 of 17,847 with this enginr/transmission codes (302, C4) 1 of 973 0rdered from this DSO (Memphis) 1 of 2354 with White Vinyl Roof (Halo top) Sold new at: Moore Ford Co. 410 Broadway No Little Rock AR on, 07/16/73 So...brown with a white top....and white stripes Power steering, Convenience group, front and rear bumper guards, A/C, Am radio, and tinted glass.
YUCK!!! It's going to end up black or yellow, with small bumpers, with black interior. I have all the parts needed, that I've been saving just for this. So, you won't see a brown car with a white halo top, anytime soon (from me atleast) I don't like brown, Buicks were brown, so I don't have any remorse changing this car to what I want, plus I've already accomplished two of my lifelong goals with my green car, now the last one, will be with this car.