LOL Nick, a ride in this one would be a lot safer I do not think there is any worries about a stable full. With the race car and this one, if I got another my wife would be killing me besides, there is not enough $$$ or time for another. 2 is plenty. Did have a great weekend working on it and tonight,.......a possible miracle or 2 happend. We was going to take the kids out for dinner (last night before school starts) I ask Becky if she wanted to go in the maverick, 1st miracle... she said OK. :bananaman Once we got to the restaruant, she got out of the car and after mummling things like it sure rides better than the other one and is not loud like the race car (remember the race car has race seats and motor plates which means there is nothing to absorb the vibration of the engine and just enough to be legal exhaust ) she said..... and this is the 2nd miracle......well if we are going to be riding in this thing you need to get it painted so people that see us in realize that we want to ride in it, and not have to ride in it :bananaman I guess she is coming around
Maverick5946 if it has a 4 bolt water pump its a 250 if it has a 3 bolt water pump its a 170 or 200 .
Cool, that is the cleanest stock mav I`ve seen. Are you gonna repaint it or just realy take good care of that paint job ?
yeah it will be repainted.....I think I am going to do it myself. I talked to my uncle the other day and he said I was more than welcome to use his shop and it looks like there is no excuse.
John, as far as 2 is plenty, I know what you mean, I am considering selling my 72'. Unless you can store them inside, it's not fair to see them sit out, and take the wear and tear from the elements. Pretty cool that your wife brought up the topic about how it rode, and having it painted!
That's great to hear that she liked riding in it and her suggesting to get it painted. But the question that's in my head that no one has asked yet is.:confused: Come next year for the nationals, which one will be on the trailer going to the meet? Or just driving the 70. I know you like to drag race. But it is still fun in a stock car.:bananaman I will race you in mine. The other thing about the stock ones is. You don't have to stop in between rounds. You just keep going and going and going. Hey I just figured it out fot the nationals. She wanted you to paint it. So if it's nice enough, maybe she will drive it to the meet and you can pull the drag car.
I will probably drive the black one and trailer the yellow one :confused: wait, I think I got that backwards Both will be the Harley for the "early bird" cruise on Wednesday I already have a driver for the yellow one...........I think? Him and I are going tomorrow to look at a 70' in southern IN. that is for sale. If he buys it then I guess I will have to get his wife to drive the yellow,,,,,,and that all depends on how the A/C works in the yellow mav. My wife HAS to have A/C. Either way, both will be there......cause you know, the black car is slowly becoming a street car
Thanks for not letting me be alone Rick I read the dang thang twice before I posted it.........hell of it was I never really understood what I wrote
Me too. I read it twice also but figured I understood what you meant.:confused: So I just left it at that and did not reply. Anyways it's all good! Well see you and it there.