Valve installed. It's been a season of mechanical problems that had me benched for most of the summer. Wheel bearings, power steering pump, and lastly the control valve failed. I received the unit back from the re-builder and I must say it was sure aesthetically pleasing as compared to when I sent it in. It looks like the housing was hot tanked. I don't know how they looked new, but I can imagine they were much better. In summary; Removal of unit......................34 beers. (chasing down the correct puller made it more difficult). General cleaning/degreasing:....5 beers. Waiting for unit to be rebuilt.....46 beers. Re-installation........................4 beers. (went in surprisingly easy). I also put in a new pressure side hose because the old one had too many cracks in the rubber for comfort. I hadn't use Precision Products before, but at this point I can say they did a great job. If you don't mind a little longer wait, you'll get back a better part than the auto chain store rebuilds or even the high dollar aftermarket versions.