Repair you rust treat it amd prime it the cheap solutions will make it shiney but it will still be rotting away as an ex painter and bodyman ive seen the quick fixes cost and waist more money than doing it slow and correct if the primer spots really make you crazy you will save for the good paint job faster lol
spot strip.. repair.. color blend larger areas and overfill chips(non-metal flake white is a piece of cake).. wet sand.. buff. Done deal and you bought youself the time needed. In the scheme of things.. that's easy peazy and it will only take a days labor and less than a couple hundred bucks to do it yourself. And word of caution about cheap paintjobs. ALWAYS.. ALWAYS do the bulk of the prep yourself and even some of the more delicate taping of anything you don't want to remove. That's where they cut major corners to save time/cost and you end up with far less peeling/edge chipping and overspray.
I also agree that you need to fix the rust spots now, waiting will only increase the size/money to fix it later. GaryR hit it on the head, repair the bad areas now, have them spot blend the paint and you can go to your local PPG store and have them mix a bottle of paint to repair the chips yourself, it's not that hard.............I've done it for alot of years...............and know one will notice as you motor down "ole 318" at 100+mph. Well driven race cars are supposed to have "Race Patina", not look like show cars.................on the other hand they shouldn't have rust issue...........IMHO