My Panda Anti-Virus shuts down Internet Explorer when it detects a file in a post that contains malware (or other schtuff). It is currently shutting down the threads "Happy Birthday" started by Maverick5946 and "My Phantom Shelby is Painted" by Cruise65oh. Any idea what's in the threads that would cause Panda to close IE (deemed 'unsafe' attachments or links" maybe)? Rick :confused:
Rick, Only the birthday thread has an attachment. Both threads have colour in the members' signatures, so maybe its that. Can you try this thread? If this thread does not work either, disable the signature option in the control panel
Steph, I can view both of those, no probs however, I've had the signatures off for a while now (since new format). :confused:
Rick I really do not know what could be causing this problem. Are your security settings high? Have you tried deleting all your cache files?
I lowered the IE security to the lowest setting and still could not access them. NP, I could just turn the AV off temporarily. Thx
Before you turn off the AV, can you check with Panda? Maybe there is an upgrade or a workaround. Turning off the AV is the last thing you want to do! If there is still no solution to the problem, I would suggest trying an alternate browser.
update: I don't intend to turn off my AV (been there and wished I hadn't) but here's the strange thing, it closed on me again when I tried to view the latest "The Blown Man turns 36" thread (Panda has something against birthdays????). :confused: Hmmm... it also wouldn't let me read the "PICS" post ( . I'm thinking it might be the banna man gif. I'll find out and post it. edit: nope - not that. Thx again, Rick