This is the 70 that Ward made me a heck of a deal on. We went to Missouri this weekend to pick it up. Its originally a Texas car (Doug how did you miss this one ). Just thought I would share and give a BIG thanks to my buddy and bestest friend Ward.
Honestly.....I am going to keep it the way it is. Except for new paint and tires. Its got a pin hole leak in the radiator and the funny thing was I had already called and got a price on a new one before I knew it had a leak. Obviously I will change all the belts, hoses, thermistat, plugs, wires. Basically just get it road worthy and enjoy it. There will be NO hotrodding this one....I already have a hotrod and 1 hotrod is enough.
yeah right? keep it stock.. sure you are... then you gonna say.. ok i'm gonna put duel exaust on it.. then leave it. then it will be wheels then lowering it then.... it don't stop there. we need to make a bet who will leave it stock longer.. lol j/k btw why you gotta get the same ugly color as mine? well my interior is uglier! but nice find! how much you get it for?
You got a deal John, that interior looks good...that plastic seat cover on the back seat was the type my Dad had on an old Dodge Dart he put 300 thousand miles on. When he finally took them off the seats looked brand new. Don't change that interior bud, I've decided to keep mine original plaid looks just TOO cool to change.
john,nice find! beautiful example of an original i wouldn't change a thing.hey ward buddy ol' pal,can you find me one?
They picked it up down in Gainseville Mo. at Wards step fathers shop. we put my boost pack on the sucker and cranked it over for a little bit, and it fired, and ran for a good 30 minutes before we had to shut it off. the little car purs like a singer.
Nice find John. Giving me a run for my money, huh? LOL Glad you are keeping it stock. I have one hotrod also & that's enough. Looks great.
I used to absolutely hate bone stock cars like this. Ten years ago I would have rather slit my wrist than be seen driving a car with white-walls and hub caps. However, lately I've really started to appreciate this look. I'll always have to have a hot rod of some kind, but I would really like to have a stock car like this for a second vehicle. I wouldn't change a thing. Nice find!!! It's funny, I was just in MS a few hours ago (quality problem at Kansas City Assembly). Good thing I didn't spot this car while I was there. If I had, I would likely have had to explain to my boss why I only used half of the round trip plane ticket he purchased for me, because I would have drove that beauty home.
You get these from me John for your answer and how nice it is. :bananaman Oh yea, what you said here: Original cars are COOL! I will most deffinatly agree!!!