Engine Swap are fairly easy actually. Your only limited to the make and line up in that year. For instance its legal to swap a new coyote 5.0 into a focus of the same year. Not to mention we have millions of c.a.r.b legal parts and some tuning software is also legal. The only downfall is that all that is very expensive. But Hot Rodders are like most species of animals, theyll learn to adapt. As far as my Kids they probably wont have to worry about that since im considering moving to Finland.
All my cars are '75 and earlier because California doesn't smog check 75 and older. Hey Faceless.. does TN have no smog laws? Sounds more lenient there. I sold my 78 E150 because in 2005 the Cali gov. decided to freeze the "if your car is 30 years old it's exempt" law. I bought a 75 so I can have headers on my 351W. I have had a rattle on my car at idle for-ever.. it souds like the fan scraping the shroud. It really drove me nuts. Yesterday I pulled the PCV valve off the valve cover while the enging was running and it stopped... it's the ball rattling in the PCV!!!! So funny.. Ok so I'm still on the topic. I have NEVER know WTF the PCV did till now..
I would like to thank the state of California for the Small Evaporative leak monitor our newer cars run. .010" evaporative leak. Everything has a .010 leak when its below zero here. Makes me nuts. The guys in the trade will get this.
Umm, çalifornia??? no wait a Maverick in California and smog?? Camaros and bad wheels?? Ah hell I forget....
In Memphis there's a sniffer test. It's pretty lenient, no visual inspection. You just about have to be visibly burning oil to fail it, however in Shelby County if you're outside of Memphis, (which I am by about a block) there's no inspection of any kind. Nobody's ever even asked if my brake lights work. I'm originally from Mississippi where there's an annual safety inspection, but it's just things like blinkers, horn, brake lights, whether your windshield is badly cracked up, etc.
we have no...annual safety inspection...anymore. everytime I get behind a car with no brake lights...I wish we did... ...PCV...(topic)......
In my county... no emissions inspections... no annual inspections. And it seems that mufflers on pick-up trucks are optional.