Why would you say that? everyone around here likes to belittle everyone else, and make them appear stupid, so where ever you would get that I'm directing anything to you, is beyond me. Some people need to lighten up a bit. If you think you have a problem with anything I say PM me.
Thanks for clearing that up....seriously. I like to know the general atmosphere before I post as some people already have their mind made up and just want make dumb reply's to raise their post count.
I don't know why anyone would just want to increase their post count, it's not a contest, you don't win a prize. Instead of talking about ways things are done, people just argue, take the wrong tone, and try to be smart asses, in a round about way. This thread went to hell early on, and god forbid anyone post their experience, because if it works for one person, it has to be the wrong way to do it...
Well the shim kit and new set of rocker channels are on there way. I'm going to install the new channels and shim the intake side to get the roller tip as centered on the valve stem as possible and then torque to 25lbs and call it good. Does loctite affect the torque value to any significance? I've heard people say not to use it on parts like that..... whats the deal?
Sounds good. Got my work cut out for this weekend........ Rockers... Harmonic balancer replacement Heater install Yard work !!!!!
Installed thick shim on intake side rocker. Felt tip marking shows both rollers centered on the stem. 1/2 to 22ftlb on exhaust side and 3/8 to tq on intake. Got the rest to do then I'll fire it up. Also found another problem...... Found places on my current valve covers where they have been rubbed by the rollers..... Guess time for new valve covers. I'm sure the wife will love that lol.
FelPro makes a thicker valve cover gasket with a metal core. They have worked for me a few times for a little clearance. SPark
Its rubbing the sides everywhere the cover is recessed in for bolt holes....gonna have to get a set for a 5.0 or some aftermarket aluminum ones.
When you get the new ones, set them on the engine without a gasket and spin it over a couple of times. If you don't hear any contact, you know you're safe with the gasket installed. The Ford Racing VC's work nice with the 1.7s BUT you have to grind a tiny bit off the ribbing that supports the baffles.
Is there a valve cover out there that doesn't need clearancing with 1.7 rockers? I really don't want to have to mess with them lol.
Yea, the plain jane stock steel covers used on all the 90's 5.0's and 5.8's I have a set of Cobra 1.7's in my 96 E150's 351. No contact inside the stock covers.