Got my Doug Thorley Shorty Headers in. Boy, you guys weren't kidding. The quality is impeccable. I like the ID plate as well, nice clean touch to advertising. The discount was a plus... should have pics up soon of them on my new engine.
Just a quick update, but the build-up / restoration of the grabber is going well... i had a million little hangups I.E.- edelbrock machining things wrong, shipping back wrong parts, parts missing, etc etc etc... as well as to be expected anyways... so for the people who care to search, search my name 72Mavgrabher under gallery and i uploaded a couple new pics from the resto... when i'm done i'll compile a huge list of start to finish pics and write a few articles if i have time on things i done differently.... etc etc... thanks guys, couldn't have done it without your help.. thanks for the mustang tank conversion article...whew. thanks for the subframe connectors... thanks for the disc brake swap... yanno... thanks guys.
Wow its been awhile... i'm waaaay farther now, obviously since the car is currently in paint after a 1,000+ hours and 2 years of the mav buildup so i thought to wean you guys in on some of the new pics when i get it back, I'll start another thread specifically for the maverick, but heres more of the 347 after I put it in.... sorry i didnt update previously. So, 1st up is the 347 - some notes, block is my 71' the serp setup is off a 90' LTD 5.0, I cut the crank rear pulley from the front and moved it back to sit perfectly inline. (nice cheap setup). The Doug Thorleys looking sweet. 2nd up is right after she's sat in. Notice the clean look. Everything is actually wired. Well, save for the plug wires folded over. Everything "wire type" is moved behind a heat shield in left rear under hinge. Battery in trunk. 3rd up Starting the radiator placement. Clearance issues force the build of a custom shroud and hold down, besides, Aluminum is good. 4th up The custom shroud around the summit or "griffin" alum radiator. 5th up She's painted. Notice my "lose a finger" sticker, harvested from a forklift.. lol. Details, details....
6th up is another view after painted. 7th up is the Doug Thorleys sitting tight... 8th up is another final shot of then 347 with radiator and shroud. (Frank, heres your FL1A plug... *grins*)
I have a few more ill post maybe this afternoon on how the shroud was made, and my washer and overflow tank from jegs mounted beside the radiator...