i like it both... the blue one is way cool... i always wondered with those wheels would look like on a maverick? now i know love the hood scoop too! the scoops well.... not really going for that either.. i like it clean! sorry.. but if one had to stay it would be the bottom one.. for some reason the top one don't fow or something. but everything else... right on! stripes, mods to the grill, the stance the mirror (hum? gonna steal the idea make be doh!) btw your red car is very nice too! anyone notice or do those fenders look just a slightly flared? or do i need new glasses.
The blue car is too busy looking although the wheels & stance are tuff.I like your red car much better.Nice & subtle.
ok i'm just wondering where did everyone get these rear spoilers and tail lights i would like to find some of those to put on my 76 comet
WOW WOW WOW those are awesome cars i took atrip to mexico about a month ago, i saw 4 mavs one that had a weird looking rearspoiler it was like 3 inches bigger then the normal grabber one then i saw a green one that had broken down and a 4 speed GT and a white one when we were driving to gualajara i gotta take a trip to Toluca those are just awesome cars sorry guys about no pics of the mexican mavs we took my sisters camera and she didnt think the mavs were worth taking pictures of.
I like your Red one, way better than the Blue one. The scoops on the upper and lower rear quarter panel are decorative at best and detract from the cars symetry JMHO Otherwise it 2 is very cool. Welcome to the board!
Did you get the grabber hood and spoiler here in Mexico??? Nice car you have there Congrats BTW, have you found more info about the light blue car, I'd like to know where he got the front spoiler and the cool looking grille.
El cofre lo consiguio un amigo que tiene una refaccionaria,usado pero en buenas condiciones, el spoiler lo consegui en el bazar de la carcacha en el DF, del maverick azul tengo poca o nada de informacion, es del Mustang Club de Mexico; las fotos las vi en el foro del club, les escribi solo me dijeron que le estaban arreglando un super motor (supercargador etc,etc,) Saludos.
did anyone notice the very good condition red Barracuda behind his mav? it seems like not much rust down there. where do they get all the aftermarket parts? both those cars are very nice.
Someone here was working on fabbing a 68 KR hood... Never heard anymore about it. I had posted in that thread that the hood was nice, but not my taste. However, after seeing this 67 version finished and on the car, I really like it! We need to see some pics of the KR hood finished. Btw: Both cars are very nice, the 73 is more to my taste though. The original style Shelby mirror on the blue one is a nice touch. Great pics!
You will as soon as I get it on my car Dave. I'm working on a deal to try to get it right now. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up at Round-Up. I think it will work out great on my blue car.